Blacks with Power| Make America Great through Black Power

Cultivating the Black Faith America Needs In These Times
It’s wild…
We recorded this hours BEFORE the mayhem that unfolded in DC on January 6, 2021. It wasn’t developed with this in mind. However, this was clearly in the Spirit that came upon us as we start this New Years journey as Blacks with Power.
The Ancients would say: “A charge to keep I have…A God to glorify. A never-dying soul to save and fit it for the sky…”
What is the role of the Black Church in these times?
If we are indeed American like everyone else… If we indeed have a value to America that needs be appreciated…
And if America is really & truly to “heal…”
What is the Holy Call of the Black Church? And how do we cultivate the faith that would ensure the Mattering of Black Lives, such that our full Black selves might have efficacy in the transformation in the America unto A More Perfect Union?
What is the faith we must have…what is the faith that is becoming of Beloved Community?
Those are some of our questions in this episode of Blacks with Power. We’d love to hear your response to what we’ve presented!