Blacks with Power| Make America Great through Black Power

Blacks with Power| Make America Great through Black Power

So…we just coping through Life while waiting for Death?

September 18, 2020

The ancestors ain’t wait for death like this…

They knew no help was coming. Living in a Society that condoned their bondage… A Society that agreed with Black Inferiority, and the proper place of Negro Servitude…

They could run…

But running was extremely risky, especially from the Deep South. Seeing those who didn’t make it, mutilated and beaten to a pulp, served as a deterrent too many…

So, they hoped for death.

The Great By and By. Freedom in the sky. The only freedom on which they could rely.

Death. Would. Come.

Death wouldn’t disappoint. Death wouldn’t fail. White man couldn’t stop you from dying. Massa couldn’t stop Death from taking you to freedom…couldn’t snatch you from Death’s sacred embrace.

So when all other hope of freedom had been dashed and become a distant memory they could barely remember, they hoped for Death to visit.

Death: The Great Liberator…

But we don’t hope for Death anymore. We take the liberation of Death for granted. We no longer hope for freedom so much that we would die. (Give me Liberty or give me Death.)

For it has become well, it is well, with our souls…right here in Egypt. And so, since we know Death will come whether or not we desire freedom: we simply bide our time till we die.

The Church has taught us to reconcile ourselves to our oppression…to hope for nothing more than a little more milk and honey in the land of our oppression. Bargaining with our oppressor for just enough “justice” for these times…even when that “justice” is void of any sort of brotherly and sisterly love.

God is love and the Jesus is God. And the Body of Christ leads the people to seek after the affections of brothers and sisters who refuse to demonstrate love.

We have to confront that reality. No?

To speak about it honestly, confessing the truth of where we are so that we might be convicted…convinced that this must no longer stand so that we are converted - following a different path: a path that leads unto freedom, love and peace.


If you think we need to work out a different way for ourselves…to gain a different sense of direction. Or a sense for a different direction…

Then Pr. Jimmie and I share this dialogue and invite you to join the discussion and share your thoughts: