Blacks with Power| Make America Great through Black Power

Blacks with Power| Make America Great through Black Power

What is Justice when there’s no Knowledge of Self?

September 10, 2020

In the Black Church, we often speak of Social Justice. It is the component of the Gospel to which we most appeal. It is the thing we choose to use in order to distinguish ourselves from the White Church…

Social Justice…

But, is that the right distinction to choose?

Yes, the Black Church is far more concerned with social justice than the White Church. The White Church can barely commit to social justice. They spend time arguing on whether Jesus had any social efficacy. As if Jesus’ Life in the Flesh did nothing to engage the social injustices of the day…

I don’t know which Gospel they read…

Yet, we go in the opposite direction. And the summum bonum of the Black Church is to “let Justice roll down like waters.”

Justice, Justice, Justice…

What do we want? Justice…

When do we want it? Now…

But what is Justice? It seems an ever-moving target. The minute we arrive at the Justice of our demands, the circumstance has changed and there’s a new imperative that Justice requires.

We are scattered…divided. This is Justice. No…that is Justice. Over here…no - over there. Where, oh where is this Justice?

How do we define it? Is it defined using the terms established by those who never intended their justice to be for us?

Is Justice simply an abstract concept that changes with the times?

At first glance, that may seem to be the case.

But He, Who alone Is Justice, Is the same yesterday, today and forever. So, how can true Justice change with the times?

Don’t we have to know ourselves, in order to know the depths of the injustice done, so that we can understand what must needs happen for Justice to prevail and righteousness restored?

How does we play "Identity Politics," with a faulty & inferior understanding of our identity in the image of God in which we are created?

That’s what we explore in this dialogue. We’d love to hear your thoughts and questions in response…