Blacks with Power| Make America Great through Black Power

Blacks with Power| Make America Great through Black Power

Will the Black Church Step Up in these times of White Supremacist Vitriol?

July 10, 2020

Blessings beloved!

I believe that if we move the Black Church, we move the Black Community...we move individual Black People. So, I continue my inquiry into what is needed for and from the Black Church in these times of heightened danger for Black Life.

This time I speak to a fellow Episcopalian.

Now, before you stop right there saying: "man, I ain't listening to two 'Black' Episcopalians!" Let me also say this: he's a fellow dread. #Rastafari

And so you know the conversation gon be an irie meditation. LOL

That said, we start as usual with my question: "what is the single greatest question you would pose to the Black Church in these times?"

I want to know what other Black Clerics are thinking. I want to unpack what they are thinking. And I want you to engage with those thoughts...

For surely, we need to be be be engaged in thoughts that place our context into context with the Gospel...right?

So, check out this episode with Fr. Dennis Patterson at Church of the Holy Cross, and let me know what you think...

What does it mean to you...

What would it look like to you, for the Black Church to step up in the midst of the present social climate?