Black Swan Yoga Podcast

Black Swan Yoga Podcast

Latest Episodes

#36 Transition Through The Fire with JJ Pepper
March 10, 2020

JJ Pepper is a beloved Austinite teacher with years of experience of movement and studying the body. His journey has not always been easy and he opens up about the struggles of living in a very conservative small town in TX, being bullied, and how he gre.

#35 Take Care!
January 08, 2020

Your body sends you signals and warnings every day for what is good for you and not so good for you. Listening to your body, taking care of yourself, and respecting your body will bring you more health and joy. Patsy gives all her tips and tricks for sta.

#34 You are READY!
January 08, 2020

Start before you think you are ready and trust that a net will appear! Sometimes we continue to put off big dreams because we don't feel we are ready/prepared or just plain fear will hold us back. Go for those big dreams and goals without waiting any mor.

#33 New Year Goals
January 03, 2020

Manifestation. Inspiration. Goal setting. Owning your power. Diving into the present moment. All of these magical topics are covered in our first podcast of 2020. Tune in with Madilyn & Patsy for tips & tricks on achieving your dream life this year. You'.

#32 Healthy Holidays
December 09, 2019

Welcome the mindset and practices of health/wellness that BSY teachers Patsy Montoya and Madilyn Chen love the most. Tune in to new ideas on health, self love and welcoming a sense of freedom during the holiday season! Wishing you the brightest holiday y.

#31 Grateful AF
November 25, 2019

Gratitude practice is powerful. The human perspective can be steered in any direction. Guiding your mind into gratitude unleashes an abundance of joy and contentment. Join Madilyn Chen and Patsy Montoya in the exploration of many ways to practice gratitu.

#30 Vata Season
November 19, 2019

Welcome and celebrate the Autumn season with tips & tricks on staying sane! Between the holidays and every event going on this season it’s easy to get swept up in the tornado of life. Learn about the Ayurvedic seasons, doshas and how to feel your best in.

#29 Guided Meditation: Chakras
November 12, 2019

Our first free guided meditation. Explore your chakras with Madilyn Chen and tap into the moment. The chakras are symbols of parts of ourselves that have colors, characteristics and self knowledge at the helm. Chakras are amazing tools to guide us into a.

#28 Free Your Mind
November 08, 2019

Free yourself from habitual patterns that keep you in suffering with the healing wisdom of yoga. Madilyn Chen offers a solo cast on samskaras, mindfulness and finding freedom. Learn about ancient yogic philosophy on the way to find freedom from our minds.

#27 Navigating Transition
September 25, 2019

Change is constant, but that doesn’t make transitions any easier. Big or small transitions are great opportunities for healing and growth. Tune into this episode to explore the possibilities! Welcome tips and tricks on navigating transition with grace!  .