Biz4Good Show

Biz4Good Show

E95 Hit Your Target with Mr. Persuasion, AKA Jeff Tippett

November 05, 2018

Persuasive communication is the only force that we will ever need in helping others find their win so that you will win.
The Biz4GoodShow
#Begooddogood #Biz4goodshow #Goodagainstthenoise

About The Show
Welcome to the Biz4GoodShow, introducing your hosts Bobby Glen James & the… Ryan Pilkington. Where we highlight misfits outcasts and renegades for the being good and doing good movement. We spotlight people that are changing the world by having integrity and honesty and creating an environment of connection, thus showing the true seeker to success and creating a life of greater impact. So come on board and create your own Biz4Good Life. #GoodAgainstTheNoise #BeGoodDoGood #Biz4GoodShow
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Who is Jeff Tippett?
Known to many as Mr. Persuasion, Jeff Tippett is a subject matter expert on persuasive communications.
Speaking to international audiences through keynotes and seminars, Jeff helps attendees increase their effectiveness, gives them powerful tools to help reach their goals, and empowers attendees to positively impact their organizations or businesses.
His second book, slated for a January 2019 release, is titled: Unleashing Your Superpower: Why Persuasive Communication Is The Only Force You Will Ever Need. His bold statement is that we all live or die based on our ability to persuade.
In 2014, Jeff founded Targeted Persuasion, an award-winning public affairs + communications firm. He has worked with renowned brands like Airbnb, The National Restaurant Association, The League of Women Voters, The League of Conservation Voters, plus others. Other industry experts have validated Jeff’s work with numerous awards including the prestigious The American Advertising Award.
The heart and soul of Jeff’s presentations are the emotional story he tells of adopting his youngest daughter from Haiti while the country’s government was collapsing. Through this near death experience of navigating civil unrest and institutional bureaucracy in a third world nation, Jeff learned valuable lessons on how to persuade others without ever manipulating. Jeff unpacks these secrets of the superpower of persuasion in every presentation.
Sizzle reel:
Episode Discovery

* The Unveiling of a New Tagline

* Sticky Messaging 

* The Meaning of an Entrepreneur

* Mr. Persuasion Persuades

* Two Magic Words of Persuasion

* Helping Others Find Their Win so That You Win 

* Three Tips to Help You Navigate in Helping Others
