Biz4Good Show

Biz4Good Show

Ep39 Getting our Bars done. Road Trip

October 25, 2017

The #Biz4GoodShow
Making a Difference in the World for Good
…with Your Hosts,
Bobby Glen James & Ryan PILKINGTON
Episode 39:  Live Bars Session
Wednesday here on FB & YTube 2pm MST Live!
Tune in to for a Facebook Live Stream event. Sacred Energy Empowerment Center in Salt Lake will be hosting this live event (Online Only)
*The hosts of the Biz4good Show will be getting a BARS SESSION
“During a Bars session, a trained practitioner lightly touches 32 points on your head which dissipates the electromagnetic charge that gets locked in our brains by the thoughts, feelings and emotions that we have stored over lifetimes. Imagine if someone could press a button and mute that voice in your head that tells you that you’re not good enough or that you can’t accomplish what you dream about. That “voice” comes from those electromagnetic charges that keep us from believing we can have the life we’ve always known is possible.”…/microsite…/accessbars/
Bobby & Ryan go to the Sacred Empowerment Center in SLC….They show us all around the place.  So many crystals!  Doing good in the world.
They are both getting a Bars Session.  Here Goes….
Bobby has a stand to put the camera on and he and Ryan are getting their Bars Run!
Instead of going to a bar they do Access Bars.  Missi, Heather, and Janet give us a Warm Welcome.
Like defragging your computer.  It clears space.  Instead of having mind-chatter going.  There was a positive clearing.  Kids with A.D.D. show great results.  Boy, does Bobby need this!
Once a week, might alleviate traffic issues!
Bobby and Ryan are seated and lay back.  No crossing of hands or feet.  Ryan takes his glasses off.  They receive a Bars Session at the same time from Missi and Heather.
Giggling is Okay.  Missi says there is a lot of that…it’s normal.  They do their hands.  How Interesting!
Missi explains how people aren’t usually in touch with the body in their energy.  Just relaxing will do the body & mind some good.  So Awesome!
Missi does behind Bobby’s ears!  Much Needed…right?
The practitioner often feels it when something is being processed in a participant.  So Cool…
Do people cry sometimes?  Missi shares a situation of one participant grieving the loss of her brother who died 2 years prior.  Missi felt/heard him, and was able to help process the grief this woman had been experiencing.
Ryan is trying to get in touch with his inner chakra.
Missi explains the first point they do.  This is what allows for clearing of all lifetimes.  Some things that used to work and aren’t working anymore.  Clearing out things that need to be changed.
Heather asks what they would like to get out of this session.  Ryan wants clarity. Bobby needs to know what to let go of….
Missi recommends Light & Heavy strategy.  Body is a compass for light and heavy.  She recommends some positive affirmations to reset negative thought patterns.
Use your body as a compass.  –Missi
They want to focus on individual choices.  Ryan was asking about losing weight.  He wants to lose another 50 lbs.  Bobby wants some help making choices in business options and challenges.
They continue to have conversations…about Ryan’s cat.