Biz4Good Show

Biz4Good Show

Ep15 Jerry Lund Owner Fire and Fuel Apparel

May 11, 2017

Jerry Lund, began his dream of becoming a fireman during his childhood. His best friend was a developmentally challenged individual who was often visited by their local firemen. That is when Jerry saw these men as his heroes.
What started as a childhood dream turned into a career pursuit as Jerry prepared for his long career as a firefighter himself. The interactions between childhood his best friend and his local fire department are what ignited his ambition. Jerry’s passion for service has only grown stronger during his 27-year career in the fire service and 12 year as police officer. He first started out as a volunteer firefighter and EMT and continued to work his way up the ladder. Today, Jerry is the Captain/Paramedic at his local combination fire department and local police department. After serving countless hours of service and sacrifice for his community, he now desires to give back to his fellow brothers and sisters who fight alongside him. So, he started Fire and Fuel Apparel.

What Is Fire and Fuel Apparel?
The brave men and women who choose to sacrifice their own safety for their fellow human need to be celebrated every day. Fire and Fuel Apparel is committed to honoring these heroes by creating clothing inspired by our hero’s passion to make a difference. As you already know, clothing has always been a standard form of expression in our culture. We want others to join us in our movement to wear the brand that represents the brave men and women who protect our communities.
Our Promise To Quality Firefighter Apparel
Fire and Fuel Apparel is committed to providing the highest quality firefighter apparel while giving back a portion of all proceeds to fallen heroes and their families. Our mission is to honor the unsung everyday heroes and inspire those of the future.