BiVo Podcast: Encouragement for BiVocational Pastors and Cell church Ministers

Latest Episodes
BiVo033: Vision (People do what people see)
One of the chapters in the book “Developing the Leader Within you 2.0” by John Maxwell is titled “The Indispensable Quality of Leadership: Vision”. In today’s episode of the BiVo Podcast, I share a few of the lessons I learnt from this chapter.
BiVo 032: How to increase your level of Leadership as a BiVo Pastor.
Pastoring is leadership! In pastoring, your goal is to encourage people to be all that God created them to be. You are called to encourage them, inspire them and influence them to accept the gift of salvation and become salt and light of the earth.
BiVo 031: 5 Levels of Leadership – John Maxwell
The BiVo Pastor or Minister must be a very good leader because ministry is “influence”. Dr Maxwell defines leadership primarily as “influence” in his book titled “Developing the Leader within you 2.0”. In todays episode of the BiVo Podcast,
BiVo030: Leading as an Example to the Flock of God
In this episode I share more advantages of the BiVo Pastor. I also share some of what I took away from reading the book “Developing the Leader Within you 2.0” by John Maxwell.
BiVo019: How to make disciples as a BiVo Pastor
We do not make disciple to follow us. We make disciples who follow Jesus! We call others, show them who Jesus is to us and help them along as they follow our Lord Jesus Christ. We expect that they, in turn,
BiVo018: Lessons from 14 years of marriage to Olu Sobanjo
On the 14th of August 14 years ago (2004) I got married to this beautiful daughter of God – Olu Sobanjo. Lots of good things have happened as you can imagine in 14 years. I am happy to announce that I am grateful to God for giving me such a wonderful w...
BiVo017: How to measure Success as a BiVocational Pastor
If you fail to plan you are planning to fail – Benjamin Franklin What does it mean to succeed as a bi-vocational Pastor? How do you know that you are doing well as a BiVo Minister? When you have a sense that God is pleased with you When you observe co...
BiVo016: Interview with Dr Joe Omofuma – Don’t settle for Average!
My guest today is a very good friend. I have known him since 1989 when we were in secondary school. He is a medical doctor and the founding pastor of Grace Community Outreach Center and Church in Manchester UK. This interview will bless you.
BiVo 015: Not Enough Time To Pray! What is the Solution?
Whenever I give myself the excuse that I do not have enough time to pray! I also remind myself that any assignment I am engaged in that makes it impossible to report to God who commissioned the assignment in the first place is a waste of time.
BiVo 14: Interview with Bro Sidney Ladi Sanni – A Bivo Teacher!
On this episode of the BiVo Podcast, Sidney Ladi Sanni shares his BiVo Story! I was blessed by the interview. You will see how God uses our willingness, to open new doors for ministry. Bro Sidney is a Publisher,