Bird Ally X: New Wild Review

Latest Episodes
New Wild Review vol 6 ep 1 Loren Eiseley’s The Star Thrower
In the first podcast of 2025, we look at the essay by Loren Eiseley, "The Star Thrower", first published in his book The Unexpected Universe (1969). This essay has been paraphrased in numerous ways ov
Latest Podcast! New Wild Review vol 5 ep 3 with Laura Corsiglia, imagination and the Wild!
On the day I met Laura Corsiglia, I knew. Who else would I ever be able to talk with about wildlife and reality and necessity the way we could. Here's a bit of what I mean Want to help us meet the
New Wild Review vol 5 ep 2 Disaster Response and Everyday Living
Our latest episode of New Wild Review with guest Lucinda Adamson, Humboldt Wildlife Care Center's Assistant Rehabilitation Manager.
New Wild Review vol 5 ep 1: Wildlife Rehabilitation, practice and ethics, an essay.
Reading a draft of an essay on ethics for our profession.
New Wild Review vol 3 episode 2 – It becomes a part of you – a conversation with Veronica Bowers, songbird rehabilitator and advocate.
This podcast is the recording of a conversation over the internet (please forgive the occasional audio glitch!) with Veronica Bowers the founder and executive director of Native Songbird Care and Cons
New Wild Review vol 3 ep 1 “Save a logger, shoot an owl”
Our latest podcast, in which we discuss treating individuals of a controversial species.
New Wild Review – the BAX podcast – new episode – Moving Forward!
It's been a long time since we've had an new episode of our podcast, for a variety of reasons! Tune in to hear what they are, and join us as we move from this very challenging year to embark on our mo
New Wild Review, s2e2: Humane Solutions part one…
Board of directors member and HWCC rehabilitator, Nora Chatmon (r) talks about human/wildlife conflict as Assistant Rehabilitation Manager, Lucinda Adamson (l) listens. For the latest episode of New Wild Review,
New Wild Review: Skunk’s Got White Stripes
2021 and hopefully new hope are here! For the first podcast of the new season, here's New Wild Review, vol 2 ep 1; - in which first we look at post release studies, and the limitations our obligations as caregivers place on invasive practices.
New Wild Review vol 1 episode 6 The Beginning of California
Times are hard. Here are some poems about the Wild. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Dismantle whiteness.