BioTrust Radio

BioTrust Radio

9 Money-Hungry Supplement Scams—Buyer Beware! – BioTrust Radio #4

November 28, 2017

When it comes to buying supplements, consumer confidence is as high as ever, with 84% of American adults expressing overall confidence in the safety, quality, and effectiveness of dietary supplements. But the old adage, “you get what you pay for,” holds true. Not all supplements and supplement companies are created equally.

There are several shady practices that supplement companies often implement to cut corners to increase their profit margins. At BioTrust, we take a hard stance against these scams and pocket-padding techniques, and in this episode of BioTrust Radio, Shawn and Tim take a deep dive into the supplement industry.

In this can’t-miss episode, you will discover:

- The many ways that companies cut corners to pad their pockets
- Many companies use cut-rate contract manufacturers to increase profit margins
- What dry-labbing is and how this dark practice is robbing of your money and results
- How companies fool you by choosing inferior forms of ingredients
- Why you need to be careful with ingredients like green tea, Turmeric, and Ginkgo
- What “fairy dusting” is and why you should be very suspicious about proprietary blends
- What it means to have “transparent labeling” and why this critical for consumers
- The illegal practice of adulteration, including 3 popular supplements that are often “spiked” with cheaper ingredients
- The most bioavailable, longest lasting form of Curcumin
- The joint health supplement that works faster and more effectively than glucosamine and chondroitin
- What supplements Shawn, the World’s Greatest Formulator, uses himself
- The key step in stability testing that most companies ignore, potentially leaving you with product that doesn’t even contain the level of ingredients listed on the label
- The most potent form of the stress-reducing herb Ashwagandha
- The dubious practice of “protein spiking”, which is robbing people of money and results
- 7 ingredients a natural supplement company should NEVER use
- How the fable of the tortoise and the hare relates to the supplement industry
- We’ll cover these important topics and more. Enjoy!