Visual Friends Radio - The Visual Facilitation Podcast

Visual Friends Radio - The Visual Facilitation Podcast

Jill Greenbaum about how to coach teenagers to find the right college

September 09, 2018

Imagine the following: In order to make the most of the opportunity to attend a visual practitioner conference for the first time - you write a book, bring it along and sell it there. This might sound a bit crazy but this is exactly what Jill Greenbaum did when she attended her first IFVP conference in Pittsburgh in 2012 and it has worked out quite well as Jill is selling her book “How to Major in You and Find the Right College” ever since.

But of course, Jill didn’t write a book out of the blue. She looks back on a great career in the field of education. She has studied Psychology and Education at Clark University before she became a teacher, principal and administrator in various settings in New York City. She ran two non-for-profit programs before she started working for herself in 1996.

We talk about her coaching practice and her work as a facilitator with POINTS OF YOU® from Israel who provides inspiring life coaching cards that you can use for live coaching games. Last but not least we look at her upcoming bikablo® trainings in the US that she hosts, her work on the IFVP board and learn that she even has been to Tasmania recently!