Build a Big Podcast - The Marketing Podcast for Podcasters

Build a Big Podcast - The Marketing Podcast for Podcasters

Latest Episodes

Your Podcasting Goals For 2018
December 31, 2017

Today is the last day of 2017 and it's a great opportunity for you to think about what you want for your podcast in 2018. If you want to improve your podcast in the upcoming year, listen up... Want more podcast marketing tips? Subscribe to Big...

Goal Planning For Podcasters
December 30, 2017

What's the best way to go about making your podcasting goals happen for 2018? In this episode, I share my favorite goal planner and show you where to get a downloadable version of it for free. Want more podcast marketing tips? Subscribe to Big...

Podcast Episode Art - Why It's Important
December 29, 2017

Lots of podcasters talk about the importance of good audio. Some talk about the importance of good podcast artwork. Fewer talk about why episode art is important. If you're not doing artwork for each individual episode of your podcast, you're losing...

When You Make A Mistake...
December 28, 2017

I was at a holiday party recently and found myself in a weird situation. I didn't think it was a big deal, but you never know how others will react. And that's a situation we find ourselves in every time we release a podcast episode. If you want to...

Custom Podcast Music
December 27, 2017

Podcasters need music for their podcasts, but licensing restrictions make it difficult to do this legally. And the most common "legal" option, royalty-free music from sites like Audio Jungle or YouTube's Production Library, is a risk because the same...

Mobile Podcasting - How To Do It
December 26, 2017

How to add remote episodes to your podcast...

Christmas Podcasts - A Great Opportunity For Podcasters
December 25, 2017

It's Christmas and, contrary to what FOX News says, it's completely safe for you to do a special Christmas episode. In fact, this is something that can help you reach new people (not just Christians) and strengthen your relationship with your existing...

Some People Will Hate Your Podcast
December 24, 2017

John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneur On Fire recently shared an anonymous (and very critical) email he received which he described as "a punch in the gut." The more people your reach with your podcast, the more likely something like this will happen to you....

This Will Make People Listen To Your Entire Podcast
December 23, 2017

A lot of people ignored my advice about Why Podcasters Should Ignore Apple Podcast Analytics and, when they did look at stats, found that a lot of people don't listen to podcasts until the end of an episode. If you're looking to extend the amount...

Podcast Production - How Much Do You Need?
December 22, 2017

It's easy to get caught up in podcast production and imaging, especially when starting a podcast. Unfortunately though, actually content, what people listen for, is often neglected. Want more podcast marketing tips? Subscribe to Big Podcast Daily...