Build a Big Podcast - The Marketing Podcast for Podcasters

Build a Big Podcast - The Marketing Podcast for Podcasters

Latest Episodes

Why I Turned Down A Major Podcast Network
January 30, 2018

Within a few months of starting RED Podcast in 2014, I was approached by a major podcasting network to make it a part of their roster of shows. I met with them and heard the offer. Then I turned them down. Why? That's what I talk about on this...

The #1 Way To Get More People To Listen To Your Podcast
January 29, 2018

Nobody Everybody gives a damn about your podcast. I kid, I kid. It's actually closer to nobody than everybody. Even if you're got a best-selling book that the entire country is talking about, there are some people that will be difficult to win...

Podcast Marketing - You're Doing It Wrong!
January 28, 2018

Why don't more podcasters focus on podcast marketing? And when they do focus on podcast marketing (or promotion), why do so many of them focus on the wrong things? On this episode, I tell you... Want more podcast marketing tips? Subscribe to Big...

The Two Most Important Elements Of Podcast Branding
January 27, 2018

Got an interesting question from Robyn Sayles about podcast branding... This is is a subject that all podcasters who want people to listen to their podcasts should be concerned with, but she brings up the point that most podcasters are much more...

The "Taylor Swift" Rule Of Podcasting
January 26, 2018

Taylor Swift doesn't have a podcast, but if she did, you can bet she'd follow the advice I'm giving to you on this episode of Big Podcast Daily. Most podcasters are making a big mistake, not only with their podcasts, but also their social media. Are...

Are People Judging Your Podcast? Yes.
January 25, 2018

People are not only listening to you, they're also "watching" you. If you're like most podcasters, you record your podcast alone. Or maybe with friends... And sometimes things get loose, slipping through the edit and out into the world. That's what...

How To Reach A New Podcast Audience Using Amazon Echo
January 24, 2018

In this episode, I talk about a great way for you to get your podcast in front of Amazon Echo users, even those who “don’t listen to podcasts.” It works similarly to the subscription feature used by traditional podcast distributors, such as...

A Podcasting Strategy From A "Sex" Magazine
January 23, 2018

The next time you're buying food at the grocery, notice how many sex women's magazines are trying to get your attention and stand out from the competition with bold, curiosity-building headlines. These same marketing strategies will work to get more...

Speaking Opportunity For Podcasters
January 22, 2018

Lots of podcasters like to be behind a mic, not only in a studio, but also live on stage. If you're one of them, and want to share your podcasting knowledge with other podcasters, I have a couple of open speaking slots at Podfecta, which will...

Why Some Podcasters Are Jerks (And How To Connect With Nice Ones)
January 21, 2018

It you get on Facebook and join an online podcasting group, you're likely to run into a few (or more than a few) jerks. This will happen in any group you join, regardless of the topic. Don't let that scare you away from live podcasting events...