Build a Big Podcast - The Marketing Podcast for Podcasters

Build a Big Podcast - The Marketing Podcast for Podcasters

Latest Episodes

25 Podcast Episode Templates
March 20, 2018

Most podcast episodes are boring. And even the "exciting" ones can get stale (and repel listeners) if done repeatedly. Over the last three years, I've been working on a book on how to market yourself via podcasting. During this time, I've put together...

Podcast Sponsorships - The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
March 19, 2018

Sponsorship has a very real downside that few podcasters talk about. Yes, the money is great, but what's the true price? In this episode, I talk about how I handle sponsors and share my thoughts on how to keep sponsors, listeners, and yourself happy....

How To Make Your Podcast Interviews Better
March 18, 2018

Yesterday, I talked about something many podcasters do that can screw up their recorded interviews. In this episode, I talk about how doing the exact opposite can make those same interviews much more compelling. Want more podcast marketing...

How To Screw Up A Podcast Interview
March 17, 2018

There's something a lot of podcasters do without knowing it that will make your podcast sounds amateur. Or even worse, throw off the guests your interviewing and completely mess up the interviews you do. It works great in face-to-face conversation, so...

Remote Podcasting - My Equipment And Process
March 16, 2018

How to do remote podcast from your mobile phone. Exactly what you need to record your podcast from anywhere. Want more podcast marketing tips? Subscribe to Big Podcast Daily via Apple Podcasts or Google Play and never miss an...

Skip A Podcast Episode? What To Do...
March 15, 2018

Things happen. Sometimes those things cause you to miss an episode release deadline.  And sometimes those things cause you do drop your podcast completely. Then what? That's what I talk about on this episode... Want more podcast marketing...

How To Promote Your Podcast At A Networking Event, Meetup, Or Conference
March 14, 2018

There a viral video going around where a woman walks into a book store and completely flips out when the book she wants isn't in stock. Is it real? I don't think so. But I do think it has a valuable lesson about how you can promote your podcast and...

Cheap Podcasters = No Podcast Listeners
March 13, 2018

There are over 250,000 podcasts listed on Apple Podcasts. The good news is that most aren't any competition for you because most podcasters skimp on hosting, ramble, and don't edit. More thoughts on "cheap podcasters" in this episode... Want more...

How To Quickly Improve As A Podcast Host
March 12, 2018

I'm a competent radio and podcast host -- not great, but better than a lot of people. My real strength when it comes to podcasting is marketing. Still, the podcasting question I get asked most frequently is, "How do I become a better podcast host?" In...

How To Make Your Podcast Stand Out
March 11, 2018

It's a sad (but true) statement that a lot of podcasts get lost and are never heard. And what's the point of publishing a podcast if nobody listens to it? The good news is that this can be easily fixed. And this episode talks about how to do it......