Big Data Beard

Big Data Beard

Big Announcements Coming From .conf: A talk with Chief Product Officer Sendur Sellakumar

October 29, 2019

Recorded at Splunk’s .conf 2019, Cory sits down with Sendur Sellakumar, Chief Product Officer at Splunk to dive into all the great product announcements unveiled at the 10th annual .conf.  Every year, Splunk releases multitudes of features into Splunk Enterprise to provide customers with a best in class product but Sendur talks about how this year, Splunk has gone above and beyond the stack that is Splunk Enterprise.  Cory and Sendur unpack some of the major announcements such as Data Fabric Search, Data Stream Processor and Splunk Enterprise 8.0 and get insights into how Splunk is evolving to enable Data to Everything.