Big Book Podcast

Big Book Podcast

Chapter 6 – INTO ACTION – Second Edition

July 14, 2020

With few changes from the First Edition, Chapter 6 remains a powerful guide for working the 5th through 11th steps of the AA Program. Interestingly, the 6th and 7th step were treated to only two paragraphs in the Big Book on page 76. Given the number of pages or chapters that other steps were allotted in the Big Book, the reasons for the relative brevity of steps 6 and 7 has been a been a popular topic of conversation and study among AA members over the years.

But, while these two concise paragraphs from the first edition remained intact for the 2nd and subsequent editions, discussion of the 6th and 7th steps was greatly enlarged upon in the book, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions published in 1953. The "12 and 12" as it is often called, devoted an entire chapter to each of the twelve steps, and the book itself was described by Bill W. as “strictly a textbook which explains AA’s twenty four basic principles, and their application, in detail and with great care…” “In general,” he said, “…the book deepened the meaning of our Twelve Steps as they can be applied to the individual’s problem of daily living.” Members of AA have found the 12 and 12 to be an indispensable companion to the Big Book itself.

Howard L, sober since January 1988, presents an inspired reading of the Big Book and encourages listeners to revisit earlier podcast episodes that feature the main chapters and stories in the First Edition of the Big Book. Enjoy listening on our website,, or download and subscribe to the podcast for free at Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. If you have a minute, please leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. Also join our facebook group, Big Book Podcast Listeners, where you can share your thoughts and experiences with fellow listeners.