BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women

1822 When God Says Change
Join us for an unscripted Bible study time together.
God, if you’re in it, I want it … if you’re not, I don’t. Now, the even harder prayer: God if you want me to change in this, I’m willing to change. If you want me to change how I do it, I’ll change it.
2 Corinthians 5:17 “Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”
How do we become this new person? WE CHANGE! How does the old life become a new life? WE CHANGE!
What if the change you are seeking for your child will begin first in that child’s mama?
What if the change you’re seeking in your marriage first begins with your husband’s wife?
Powerful Prayer – Father, help me to be the wife/mom they need right now. Give me a holy conviction for anything that needs to change, and special strength to change my attitude and my actions.
God wants to do a supernatural work in you. His work is in CHANGING you. He doesn’t want to change you because he hates you, he wants to change you because he loves you too much to let you live this life in any way short of the fullness for which you were created. There’s untapped potential within you, change is required here.
The MSG translations of 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Anyone united with Jesus gets a fresh start.” What a GIFT! You are being offered the gift of change in you today … not in anyone one else, and not in anything else … the change starts in YOU. This is a gift. The act of receiving the gift is up to you.
Embrace any changes God is orchestrating.
God, if you want to change me, I am pliable.
Pliable: Ready to change, easy to work with. Receptive to correction and responsive to your lead.
God spoke to Jeremiah in Jeremiah 18: 1-6 and said, “God down to the potter’s shop, and I will speak to you there.” When Jeremiah gets to the potter’s show he watches him work at the wheel with a lump of clay. As he watches, he gets an image of how God works in our lives. The jar the potter was making didn’t turn out the way he had hoped, so he crushed it and started over again. And God said, “As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand.”
God isn’t asking you to form and perfect yourself. That’s not your job. He’s asking you to remain pliable in his hands. Be ready to change. Be easy to work with. Be receptive to correction. Be responsive to the molding of his hands.
Ephesians 2:10 says “You are God’s masterpiece.”
And maybe you’re not there yet, but in his hands, it’s who you are becoming. He’s not done with you. He’s molding you, making you and changing you … LET HIM!
We see the miraculous change in the caterpillar who becomes a butterfly. Ohhhhh, what is happening in that cocoon is internal work that cannot be see, but it’s happening. Isn’t that what God is doing to you too? He’s doing deep, internal work. He’s changing your heart. He’s changing your thoughts. He’s changing your priorities. He’s changing your habits. He’s changing your dreams.
The process feels restrictive. It feels like he’s only taking things away from you. But this is your cocoon. This is your molding in his hands on the wheel. Change is required for you to become his masterpiece.
Don’t go jumping out of his hands. Don’t try to break open your own cocoon. Remain pliable. Let him do his work in you.
Because when he does his work in you, then your whole world changes too.
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