BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women

1821 This Is Your Fuel
The enemy uses very specific weapons against you. Weapons meant to detour you. Weapons meant to defeat you. Weapons meant to destroy you. Depress you, deceive you, dismiss you, and disease you. Maybe you’ve felt the sting of his weapons. Maybe you’re living in fear of his weapons. And maybe you’re like the majority of us and you’re wondering where is God in this and why has he allowed it?
We must remember that not everything comes from God, some things are formed in the pits of Hell. Some things are schemes of evil from the enemy. We can’t blame God for that. However, the hard thing is understanding absolutely NOTHING can touch our lives without God’s permission. We see in scripture the devil asking God for permission to attack, permission to sift, permission to harm, then it’s up to God to approve of disapprove.
Anyone else honestly just want to say, “God, why did you approve of this attack? Why did you allow this weapon against me to touch me? Why didn’t you stop this?”
That’s a fair question. I’ve learned on this journey that God can handle my questions. I assure you, he can handle yours too.
Isaiah 54:17, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.” This does not say a weapon will never be formed. It does not promise you’ll never feel the pain of a weapon used against you. But it does say any weapon against you will not PROSPER. That weapon won’t be forever successful. It will not dominate over you always. The next part of that scripture in the MSG translation says, “God’s servants can expect that I’ll see to it that everything works out for the best.”
If you are surrendered to and serving God with your life, then you can EXPECT that somehow, someway, God will use the weapons formed against you for something good.
But how? How can this ever be good?
Well I stumbled across a very specific example while studying the book of Ezekiel. Now, first let me be honest and tell you if you’re new to studying your Bible, you really shouldn’t start with Ezekiel. It’s a tough read. It’s brutal battles and ignorant people not learning the lessons there for them. The majority of the time I’m reading and just saying, “Thank you Jesus for covering me and paying the price I couldn’t pay.”
But in between the battles and the slaughters, you find little details that are like shimmering diamonds. Sweet reassurances of God’s goodness even when life has been hard and you’ve been under attack. Check this out in Ezekiel 39. God is angry with a prince named Gog. Gog had evil thoughts come to his mind and he began devising a wicked scheme against the people of Israel. Although Gog and his armies would attack Israel, their weapons would not prosper. In fact, look at what would happen to their weapons.
Verse 3, God says, “I will knock the bow from your left hand and the arrows from your right hand, and I will leave you helpless.” But then he goes even further, speaking against the evil prince Gog who had formed an attack against God’s people. He says in verse 9-10, “Then the people in the towns of Israel will go out and pick up your small and large shields, bows and arrows, javelins and spears, and they will use them for fuel. There will be enough to last them seven years! They won’t need to cut wood from the fields or forests, for these weapons will give them all the fuel they need.”
What if the weapons that have been threatening you can become your fuel? Girl, what if the entire purpose of God even allowing the weapon to touch you in the first place was simply so you could grab hold of it and be empowered by it to do something good?
There’s no one I would rather stand beside in worship than a former addict who’s been saved and set free. They worship with their whole being. They know what bondage felt like. They know how hopeless and helpless they were. And once that weapon of addiction was defeated, they’ve used it for their fuel. Now they’re on fire for God, passionately pursuing the new life set before them and allowing their lives to be used to save others.
My friend Shannon and her husband were the perfect couple on the outside. They’re both beautiful and fit. But behind closed doors, their marriage was falling apart due to infidelity and dishonesty. They were beyond repair. There was nothing left to save. BUT GOD! God did a miraculous healing work in both of them and brought them back together in the way only he could. And now, the weapon that was used against them in their marriage is their fuel. They’re passionately pursing other broken marriages and introducing them to the healing power of Jesus.
Why would God allow the attack of the enemy? Oh because he knew what fuel it would become for good!
Now, let’s go back to this scripture and see a few more things. First, who defeated Gog and his armies? Verse 3 tells us God is the one who knocked the weapons right out of their hands. He made the enemy helpless.
Have you ever thought to ask God to just knock the weapons down? Maybe you don’t need to be all feisty and fiery charging ahead in the battle. Maybe you need to let God do his thing and take down those weapons right in front of you. Lord, take them down!
Next, understand how radically different this scene is from most battles. Typically, when an enemy is defeated, you gather their weapons and add to your own arsenal to fight the next battle. But instead, God says use those weapons for fuel. Why? Because the only weapon you need is his Word. You don’t need damning evidence. You don’t need witnesses. You don’t need all their accusations, all their posts, or all their accounts. You won’t be needing those weapons to use against anyone. HONEY, THIS IS YOUR FUEL.
For 7 years, God’s people never had to cut wood. They had everything they needed for their fuel in the weapons formerly formed against them. It was all right there … not for battle, but for benefit.
THIS IS NOW BEING USED FOR YOUR BENEFIT. And when you get the benefit of the weapons that once threatened you, make sure you give God the glory.
It’s hard to imagine a benefit in your current battle, but it’s coming. Your future fuel will be found in today’s threats. God will turn this all around, and when he does, you use it for good!
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