BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women

1818 God Wants You

February 17, 2025

You don’t need luck, not when you have God. You don’t have to be in the right place at the right time. Nobody else needs to know your name when God knows your name. Everyone else can totally count you out, but when God has singled you out nothing can keep you hidden from his purposes.

GOD HAS SINGLED YOU OUT. I don’t know what he had to do to ensure you’re listening at this moment, but here you are, and it’s not by accident. You will not remain stuck here living below your potential. There’s MORE for you. There’s MORE in you.

David was nothing more than a little shepherd boy, overlooked and dismissed by everyone. When the Lord sent Samuel to Jesse’s house to find the one to be anointed as the next King, Jesse lined his sons up for the choosing. One by one, Samuel looked at the sons thinking surely this was the one the Lord was choosing. This strong one, Samuel thought – No, the Lord said. This tall handsome one, Samuel thought – No, the Lord said. Seven of Jesse’s sons were presented, while the youngest son stayed in the field watching the sheep.

Jesse didn’t even think to bring in David, his youngest son, to be considered. He wasn’t the strongest, the wisest or who he considered to be the best. He was just the youngest of his 8 sons and considered the least.

1 Samuel 16: 11-13, “‘Send for him at once,’ Samuel said. ‘We will not sit down to eat until he arrives.’ So Jesse sent for him (David, his youngest son who was left out). He was dark and handsome, with beautiful eyes. And the Lord said, ‘This is the one; anoint him.’ So as David stood there among his brothers, Samuel took the flask of olive oil he had brought and anointed David with the oil. And the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David from that day on.”

David wasn’t in the right place at the right time … he wasn’t even invited to the right place.

You know what else this shows us … You don’t have to be impressive to a single other soul. You don’t have to stand out. You don’t have to be the best. And really, you don’t have to be doing anything special to be chosen.

What was David doing when he was chosen? His ordinary, every day work. He was out in the fields faithfully taking care of his father’s sheep.

And the same is true for you and I. We just need to do our ordinary, every day work faithfully. Stop trying to be noticed. Stop trying to compete with everyone else. God sees you. And guess what … GOD WANTS YOU! When it’s your time, he will find you, align you, equip you, and send you.

You can be overlooked by everyone else, and still be chosen by God. You can be left out by your family and your friends, but singled out by God. You can be passed over at work, forgotten by those who should remember you, and left waiting, and God will pluck you right out as the one he wants.

Your job here is to be faithful where you are with what you have. You’re growing impatient in the wait. You’re getting anxious and jealous. My sister, God’s eye has never left you. He knows where to find you … let him find you faithfully working in the field he has given you until it’s time to step into more.

Now here’s the thing, when God says, “YOU”, don’t dismiss yourself. Let your faith in God’s mighty power be so courageous that you actually believe he could use someone like you. He could use your story. He could use your skills. He could use every ordinary thing about you in extraordinary ways.

Notice David’s reaction to being anointed as the next King. Verse 13 says, “He stood there among his brothers.” He didn’t argue about it. He didn’t run from it. Nor did he elevate himself to a higher position. No, he stood there among his brothers.

And because he stood there, power was given. Power came through the Spirit of the Lord filling him from that day on. The Spirit would strengthen him. The Spirit would equip him. The Spirit would guide him.

Have you forgotten that same Spirit is what lives inside of you as a daughter of God and follower of Jesus? You don’t have to wait for someone to anoint you with oil. That same Spirit strengthens you today. That same Spirit equips you now. That same Spirit is your guide. You have precisely what David had.

What did David do with that Spirit? He showed up for battle and defeated the giant Goliath. He became King and led his people in victory.

Now … what will you do with that Spirit?

There’s only one correct answer here – are you ready to give it? What will you do with the Spirit of God dwelling inside of you that gives you power, that strengthens you, that equips and guides you? Answer: Absolutely anything and everything God calls you to do!

That’s scary, huh? I mean really, what if God chooses you to do something really hard that’s totally out of your comfort zone? Could you do that? No, actually you couldn’t. In your own power there’s no way you could. You would fail. You would mess this up. Or if you didn’t fail, it would go to your head and be all about you. That’s why you’re never called to a single thing God’s Spirit doesn’t empower you for.


And the really great news is, that’s exactly what you have! YOU DO HAVE GOD FOR THIS!

What was David doing the day he was divinely chosen by God? He was doing his job.

Who was praising David for his work on the day he was divinely chosen by God? Absolutely nobody.

Who saw the true potential in David all along? Only God.

What was required of David to be filled with the supernatural power of God to become everything he was being called to be? Stand there with his brothers.

Girl, you are making this way harder than it has to be. God is simply looking for the faithful, humble ones who will be a vessel for his Spirit. He’s not looking for the best of the best, he MAKES the best of the best in ways the world will not and cannot see.

Now, here’s my favorite part of the story. After David is called out of the fields and anointed as King standing among his brothers, he’s filled with God’s Spirit powerfully … then things just go back to normal. That’s it.

And that’s not what we expect. We expect when we are chosen by God and filled with his Spirit then everything will change. And when everything doesn’t change, we grow disappointed and disillusioned. We start thinking, “Maybe I’m not really chosen. Maybe God doesn’t have a calling on my life. Maybe there isn’t anything powerful guiding me.”

Is that where you are? You’ve had an encounter with God already. You placed your faith in Jesus. You’ve surrendered your life … but your life doesn’t look radically different. Well, actually, that’s the pattern of David’s life as well.

He remained a nobody. It’s like the news never got out that Samuel had come to his house and anointed him as the next King. David just went back to work in the fields. BUT WHAT WAS HAPPENING IN THOSE FIELDS WAS TRAINING!

You may be stuck in fields you don’t appreciate, but honey, you’re receiving training here you will need to step into your anointing. In this chapter you can’t see the next chapter. It’s coming.

In the next chapter, 1 Samuel 17, David steps onto a field with lunch for his brothers who were in the Israelite Army. On this field, they had been taunted by the enemy’s giant named Goliath. David was a nobody by everyone else’s standards, not even old enough to be a soldier like his brothers. But that day he took all the training he had been receiving in the fields protecting his father’s sheep, and he slayed that giant, with the powerful Spirit of God working inside of him.

David didn’t need luck – He had God.

He didn’t need to be in the right place at the right time – God knew exactly where he was.

He didn’t need a single other person to recognize his potential – God held his potential.

He didn’t need life to radically change in a moment – He was faithfully in training.

God knows where you are. He is training you. Will you be faithful?

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