BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women

1815 In God’s Place

February 12, 2025

In scripture we see a pattern for God’s people. They face trouble, they seek God, then with time they go astray and return to their old ways. In their old ways, they seek things other than God. This continues until their replacement for God doesn’t save them, then they’re back on their knees crying out to God again. Over and over again, it happens.

And really, it’s still happening. It’s happening with us. We’ve allowed something to take God’s place in our lives, something else or someone else has been put in the elevated position reserved for God. And when the elevated position in our lives is wrongly filled, everything becomes a mess.

The truth is, we have IDOLS.

An idol is anything I place above God. An idol is anything I find my fulfillment in above God. An idol is ultimately the reason I sin. Something is out of place in my life and it’s time to get serious about fixing it.

Where are you looking for your answers? What do you turn to for guidance? Is it tarot cards, a horoscope, the TikTok, or your circle of friends? Anything you’re turning to before God is your idol, and let’s be clear, it’s a real problem. GOD SAYS THIS MUST ABSOLUTELY CEASE IN YOUR LIFE.

1 John 5:21, “Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts.”

God’s place is your provider. God’s place is your guide. God’s place is your protector. God’s place is your healer. Now, what have you put in God’s place?

Exodus 34:14 says, “The Lord is a God who is jealous about his relationship with you.” So what is it that gets your first thoughts every day? What is it that gets your moments of worry? What is it that gets your attention, your time, your energy? Honestly, is it really God, or does it look a whole lot more like a screen where you scroll, a screen where you call, or a screen where you text, post or search?

Is God jealous of your phone? Oh I know he’s jealous of mine. How do I know? Because it sometimes takes his reserved and elevated space. That’s just the truth. It’s my golden calf.

Do you know the story about the golden calf? The Israelites had followed Moses out of slavery in Egypt and God was showing up for them in miraculous and astounding ways. He was guiding them and providing for them. Finally, they were being set free by God, and they knew it! God called Moses up to the mountain with him and this is where he gave him the 10 Commandments. But while the Israelites were waiting at the bottom of the mountain, they got restless. They grew bored, and they began to question. Soon, they had given up on God working through Moses, and they decided to make their own God to turn to.

They gathered all their gold jewelry, melted it, and formed a golden calf and began worshiping it. This would be their new god. This would guide them. This would protect them. This would give them their answers.

And how do you think God felt about this? HE WAS FURIOUS! God said in Exodus 32:9, “I have seen how stubborn and rebellious these people are. Now leave me alone so my fierce anger can blaze against them and I will destroy them.”

They just couldn’t wait on God. They couldn’t trust him in the moments of silence. They couldn’t just be still.

And we are exactly the same. The truth is, we’re having a really hard time waiting on God. We fill the silence with noise. Our eyes are constantly searching for something we can watch next. We crave entertainment and distraction. And we know better.

God’s spirit within us pings and tells us “girl, this isn’t right”, but we’ve gotten used to ignoring his Spirit and turning to our idols. Again, an idol is anything we place above God. Anything that gives us our fulfillment before God. And ultimately, that idol causes us to sin.

Your idol could be a person. They’ve gotten God’s place.

Your idol could be a blessing. God’s blessing has become more important than God.

Your idol could be a habit, a crutch, a fix. Now, you need this thing more than you need God.


What is God revealing to you? Typically they’re not bad things, in fact they’re usually good things, they’re just good things out of place. What if God could help you put them back into their right place without having to strip them from you?

Idolatry is always the reason we do anything wrong. Check yourself – when do you yell, when do you lie, when do you get angry, when do you cheat? At the source of that sin is something out of place. You’re seeking control more than you’re seeking God. You’re seeking approval more than you’re seeking God. You’re seeking comfort more than you’re seeking God. You’re seeking success more than you’re seeking God. You’re seeking love more than you’re seeking God. You’re seeking relationships more than you’re seeking God. You’re seeking beauty more than you’re seeking God. You’re seeking fun more than you’re seeking God. (ouch)

None of these things are bad in themselves, but when good desires become twisted, then a door is left open to the enemy to come in and kill, steal and destroy.

What is it that you want more than Jesus, and you’re willing to sin to get it? That’s your idol.

Your patterns of sin reveal what’s become too important to you. Check the pattern.

Why does God care so much about this? Because it’s hurting you. Jonah 2:8, “Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God’s love for them.” This is causing you to turn away from the fullness of God’s love. It’s getting in the way! You are suffering as a result.

When you know better, you can do better. We’re here as God’s girls learning and growing. Maybe you didn’t know before, but now God is showing you a source of problems in your life … now honey, all you have to do is do better.

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