BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women

1811 The Expert Guide
What would it look like to let God’s Holy Spirit truly guide your life? Where would you go? What would you do? And dang, what would he have you give up?
That’s scary, isn’t it? Total release of control and full commitment to following a guide you can’t even see? I think that’s why we hold back. We’re afraid of where God’s spirit may lead us. We’re afraid of what highly uncomfortable thing God’s spirit may ask us to do. And we’re really afraid of what God’s spirit might ask us to give up.
But, remember, God is an EXPERT GUIDE! He has complete control. He will not and cannot fail. He knows precisely what he is doing and what he is asking you to do, and it’s all for a greater purpose. Would you trust him?
I’ve put my life into the hands of so many random people. Why? Because I’ve trusted them as my guide.
In Southern California I strapped myself to a complete stranger and jumped out of an airplane with him. My life was in his hands. I didn’t ask to see his certification. I didn’t inquire to see how many jumps he had made. I simply trusted because he was wearing a jump suit that he knew what he was doing. I trusted his lead. We jumped.
In Bali, I sat on a wooden swing with a itty bitty rope tied around my waist and let this tiny, very excited man, push me. But this wasn’t just any swing, it was a swing hanging off a cliff 20 stories high. Again, it was the equivalent of a child’s homemade swing tied on a tree, just slightly more dangerous and exhilarating. The tiny, excited man yelled, “let go, lean back”, and what do you think I did? I let go and leaned back with only a flimsy rope tied around my waist. Why did I trust him? Because he worked there. It may have been his first day, I didn’t ask.
On the coast of Texas, I paid a man in a leather bomber jacket $300 and I climbed in his open air, WW2 bi-plane. We’re flying and he says, “are you ready for me to cut the engine”, I said yeahhhhh! Suddenly, the old airplane goes silent, it glides, then it goes into a nose dive and barrel roll. After a few seconds, I hear the cranking of the old engine trying to restart. Put, put, put … nothing. Try again. Engine cranking and it stops. After a few tries, it fires back up and we shoot back up in the air. I’ve done a lot of adventurous things, this was my favorite. After we land, my husband begins inquiring about the airplane and says, “How long have you had this.” The leather bomber jacket Tom Cruise look alike pilot says, “I just bought it last week. In fact, you’re my first people to take up. How in the world did you even find me?” Ohhhhhhh ……
We simply trust who we believe to be the expert guide.
This morning I learned about an adventure at Africa’s Victoria Falls, which is two times higher than Niagra Falls. At the very top of the waterfall, you swim out across the river, then an expert guide holds your feet as your allow the water to take you to the very edge of the waterfall and hang out over it. You have to trust the guide. Why would you trust them? Because it’s what they do. Would I do it? ABSOLUTELY!
I don’t know, maybe you have trust issues. But maybe those trust issues are keeping you from some of life’s most beautiful adventures and opportunities.
My sister, God is an EXPERT GUIDE, and he can be trusted. It’s not his first day on the job. He’s not reckless or careless. No one handed him the uniform and asked him to fill in for the day. If God says “let go”, you can really let go. If he says swim to the edge, he has a plan for you on the edge. If he says I’m going to cut the engine, he knows how to restart the engine. If he says jump, he knows how to fly. You can trust God.
God guides us with his Holy Spirit living within us. This is where we get spiritual promptings and that deep knowing. If you’re holding on to control and not letting him guide your life, you’re missing the fullness of everything he has for you. You’re also likely missing the purpose for which you were created and life feels a little empty and void of fulfillment.
Galatians 5:15, “Let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves. The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires. These two force are constantly fighting each other, so you are not free to carry out your good intentions. But when you are directed by the Spirit, you are not under obligation to the law of Moses.”
Within you there’s literally a battle going on. You have a sinful nature known as the flesh. And the flesh wants what the flesh wants. But what the flesh wants is not what the spirit wants. This is why you feel torn. This is the source of feeling all stirred up and unsettled on the inside. You have both. Only one will win. Which one will it be? Well, let me share an old Cherokee fable that makes it easy to understand.
The fable is of a grandfather teaching his grandson about life, called The Two Wolves.
The grandfather says, “Son, within all of us there is a battle of two wolves. One is evil. He is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.”
“The other wolf is good. He is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.”
“The same fight is going on inside of you, and inside every other person, too,” explained the wise Cherokee elder. The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”
The grandfather simply replied, “The one you feed.”
My sister, which wolf are you feeding? Are you feeding that sinful nature of flesh within you, or are you feeding God’s Spirit dwelling inside of you? You may wonder how you feed either and let me tell you, you feed the one you listen to. You feed the one you are guided by. You feed the one you trust.
God is an expert guide. You can trust the promptings of his Spirit.
However, your flesh is flighty and shady. Your flesh has no clue what’s it’s doing, it just knows what it feels in the moment. Honey, it cannot be trusted.
GOD CAN BE TRUSTED. Let him guide you.
Galatians 5: 25, “Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.” The MSG translation says it like this, “”Since this is the kind of life we have chosen, the life of the Spirit, let us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its implications in every detail of our lives.”
No more thinking about trusting God, let’s actually TRUST HIM. In every detail of our lives, let’s put our trust into action.
What would that look like in your life? Well, there’s a song I just can’t get enough of that prepares my heart each morning when I listen.
Spirit Lead Me by Influence Music:
This is my worship
This is my offering
In every moment
I withhold nothing
I’m learning to trust you
Even when I can’t see it
And even in suffering
I have to believe it
If you say it’s wrong, then I’ll say no
If you say release, I’m letting go
If you’re in it with me, I’ll begin
And when you say to jump, I’m diving in
If you say be still, then I will wait
If you say to trust, I will obey
I don’t wanna follow my own ways
I’m done chasing feelings
Spirit lead me
It’s trendy to say, “trust your feelings”, but I assure you, those feelings of yours really can’t be trusted sometimes. Your feelings are led by the flesh. If you feed your feelings, you feed the wrong wolf, and the wolf you feed wins the battle within. There’s something so much greater than your feelings, that’s God’s Spirit. Chase after his promptings. Chase after his word. Chase after his truth. The more you feed God’s Spirit within you, the stronger it gets, the louder it becomes, and the clearer you can see.
In the beginning, you may not be sure which wolf is growling within you, and that’s okay. Start asking – God, is this you? Start praying the words of this song. God, if you say it’s wrong, then I’ll say no. If you say release, I’m letting go. If you’re in it with me, I’ll begin. And when you say to jump, I’m diving in. If you say be still, then I will wait. If you say to trust, I will obey. I don’t wanna follow my own ways, I’m done chasing feelings. SPIRIT LEAD ME.
Will you truly ask God’s Spirit to lead you?
He is the expert guide and he can be trusted. You never have to question him, but if you do, he can handle your questions.
Your journey begins be seeking him and daring to listen and lean in. Push beyond the feelings and dig deep into his word. You can’t complain you don’t hear from God is you’re not reading his love letter to you.
What would it look like to let God’s Holy Spirit truly guide your life? Woah, can you imagine?
Where would you go? You would go where the path has been divinely made and your feet would be kept steady and you’re supernaturally filled with strength.
What would you do? You would do the impossible with Jesus!
What would he ask you to give up? He would ask you to give up the things that have kept your hands closed to receiving more than you could ever ask, think or imagine.
It’s time to trust the expert guide!
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