Big John and Ramblin' Ray 60

Big John and Ramblin' Ray 60

Latest Episodes

2-19-16 - Howell Highlights: Meet America's Newest Hero
February 19, 2016

Look out Gremlins, here comes Higgins. Today on the "Big" John Howell Show, "Big" John and the Gang talk a bout a variety of topics including Donald Trump v. The Pope, Ted Cruz is in Cook County Court today, and America's gone full on Oprah for Kasich....

2-19-16 - When did America go downhill?
February 19, 2016

The Huffington Post ran an article earlier this week that asked it's followers when was the moment America started to go downhill. The Gang gives their answers and "Big" John Howell asks our loyal listeners what they think was the moment that they lost...

Jim Sexton - Mayor of Evergreen Park
February 19, 2016

Chicago is joining forces with the Village of Evergreen Park in an effort to force CSX Transportation to live up to the commitments it made to the Surface Transportation Board after acquiring the rights to operate on the Elsdon Line in 2013. Joining us...

Gov. Bruce Rauner
February 19, 2016

Joining us now to talk about a variety of issues dealing with our great state of Illinois including the ever pressing Budget Battle, Governor of Illinois Bruce Rauner.

Chuck Swirsky - Play-by-play of the Chicago Bulls
February 19, 2016

The NBA trade deadline has come and gone with the Chicago Bulls actually making a move. Unfortunately, the Chicago Bulls did not make the team altering trade, which many people expected. Chuck Swirsky, Play-by-play voice of the Bulls, joins the show to...

2-19-16 - Apologies
February 19, 2016

Keith Conrad jumps on the air to help 'Big' John clear up some misconceptions from this morning's show.

2-18-16 - Howell Highlights: Red Lobster Enjoys Beyonce Bump
February 18, 2016

Bruce Rauner dropped the g's in his budget speech yesterday. Red Lobster has been enjoying a "Beyonce Bump" the last couple weeks. Big John talked poll numbers. Apparently the modern-day Robin Hood is a weed-smoker. And hear another Tale from the Red L...

Fred Cate - Cybersecurity Specialist at Indiana University
February 18, 2016

Will Apple help the feds get the video of the San Bernardino shooting? Fred Cate joined Big John from a super-secret mission in Australia to explain why they may not.

Jason Meisner - Chicago Tribune
February 18, 2016

What are the chances Anita Alvarez survives this election and is still the State's Attorney? Federal court reporter of the Chicago Tribune, Jason Meisner joined Big John with the latest.

Ald. Anthony Napolitano, 41st Ward
February 18, 2016

The fight over runway noise at O'Hare rages on. Alderman Anthony Napolitano of the 41st ward, the ward where O'Hare Airport is located, joined Big John this morning. He's trying to lower the noise level.