Big John and Ramblin' Ray 60

Big John and Ramblin' Ray 60

Latest Episodes

5-03-16 - Jonathan Hoenig
May 03, 2016

Jonathan Hoenig - President of Capitalist Pig Asset Management - joins the show to talk about Apple's tumbling stock.

5-03-16 - Rex Huppke
May 03, 2016

Rex Huppke - Chicago Tribune Columnist - joins the show to talk about Malia Obama's decision to take a "gap year."

5-03-16 - Apologies
May 03, 2016

Executive Producer Keith Conrad lists the apologies for today's show.

5-02-16 - Howell Highlights: Politicians shouldn't do "Prom-posals"
May 02, 2016

Looking at our favorite segments from this morning's "Big" John Howell Show: The CTU rethinks another strike and it's not because of the kiddies, fights breaking out at the White House Correspondent's dinner, Kasich helps a teen with her prom date, Da...

5-02-15 - Tales from the Redline
May 02, 2016

Clenching the can of mace his mommy gave him, it's time for another chapter of Keith Conrad's "Tales from the Redline"!

5-02-16 - Would you help someone in need?
May 02, 2016

Police have released surveillance photos of a man and woman wanted for beating a woman while trying to steal her cellphone on a CTA Blue Line in Bucktown. The victim was sitting on a Blue Line train near Western when the suspects walked up, started pun...

Stephen Moore - Heritage Foundation
May 02, 2016

Gov. Alejandro García Padilla of Puerto Rico said that he had ordered a debt moratorium, blocking a $422 million payment that would be due today. Stephen Moore of the Heritage Foundation joins the program to discuss the issues in Puerto Rico and if thi...

John Ziegler - Columnist & Documentary Filmmaker
May 02, 2016

John Ziegler is a Columnist and Documentary Filmmaker who had just recently written a column titled "How and Why the Conservative Media Sold Its Soul To Facilitate Trump’s Nomination". He now joins the show to discuss his column with "Big" John Howell ...

Paul Dailing
May 02, 2016

Paul Dailing has created a new tour through the city of Chicago, spotlighting the graft and corruption in the city. He thinks people make too much life of our corruption politicians and is trying to shine a light on them so he joins the show to discuss...

Bret Baier - Special Report
May 02, 2016

President Barack Obama took his leave of the White House press corps Saturday with a sardonic blast at Donald Trump, the Republican Party and even fellow Democrats in his final tart-tongued stand-up riff for the White House Correspondents' Association ...