Big Impact

Big Impact

Latest Episodes

The Journey Of A Vegan Entrepreneur with Kathy Divine
August 08, 2016

Kathy Divine is one of those names that has popped up a lot for me over the years of my own health journey. From her online blog ‘vegans are cool’ to her recently launched beautiful magazine Australian Vegans Journal. She

Plant Based Families – Tips From Peta Martinez On Making The Switch
July 31, 2016

This interview with Peta Martinez is part of a series that I am including in the podcast. My plan is that every 4th episode of Big Impact, I will have an interview with a real life family. A family who

The Mindful Mumma with Leonie Percy
July 31, 2016

This conversation with Leonie percy – Author of Mother OM and founder of Yoga Mamata really did feel like sitting down with a girlfriend to have a cup of tea. We share similar ideas around mindfullness, connectedness and the challenges and

From Heart Attack to Ironman with Adam Guthrie
July 31, 2016

We made it! We launched and it all went (mostly) according to plan. Thank you to everyone who tuned in for the first episode and for all of you who are coming back for more! So let me tell you

Family Health, Zero Waste & Social Justice with Mandy dos Santos
July 28, 2016

Thank you so much for tuning into the very 1st episode of the Big Impact podcast! For some time I have been thinking about ways I can bring you information/inspiration and quality content in a way that feels natural and
