The Big Honkin Show

Latest Episodes
February 9, 2020 – CURE Marathon Morning Show
Shazbazzar was literally in the house as the snow was fallin outside. The guys cut up and talked and talked and talked and talked. All for a good cause. Theres still time before February 15, 2020 to
2019 CURE Marathon Kickoff Show
Shazbazzar stops by to kick off the 2019 podcast marathon for CURE. The guys cut up and have some fun as the fundraising begins. If you haven’t donated to CURE yet this year there is still time until February 16th. Just head over to bighonkinshow.
October 4, 2012 – Who Has a Boom Box?
This episode’s recording was cut short due to the recording technology available at the radio station (There wasn’t any) and the means by which the show was recorded. (Through the Tune In app at the time thanks to Jimmy in GA) A sincere thank you goe...
October 3, 2012 – Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge
Steve learns about bees travelling, a restaurant is shut down over roadkill, Baumgartner watch continues, and the show opens with a classic bit from the first age of the show. The sound issues are a result of the way the shows were recorded in this er...
January 7, 2012 – Funeral Arrangements
Buck and Steve recount their Christmases, we add a few new “commercials,” and Buck talks about how he would like us to handle the arrangements in the event of his passing. It sounds sad, but it’s funny. Special Note: This show marks the end of the s...
March 13, 2010 – Mama Honkin!
fter a couple of REALLY busy weeks, and horrible technical issues, Buck and Steve are back with an episode of The Big Honkin Show that could quite possibly go down in history. Not only is there animal talk, yard sale talk, laughs, and fun,
November 11, 2017 – Smooth Criminals and Origins
Tons of smooth criminals in this one, also a parrot that someone is missing the point with, and Steve talks about how the show got it’s name. Stick around for the bonus podcast-only content…it’s as immature as it can be.
October 22, 2017 – Journey Into Whimsy
Take an hour off from the cares of the day and have a little silliness provided by The Big Honkin Show.
October 8, 2017 – Pumpkin Spice May be Harmful
A school evacuates because of pumpkin spice, and Steve is vindicated. A psychic didn’t see the law coming. A winery actually has problems with drunk people. A cook robs a restaraunt, and a man who may have been a patron of the aforementioned winery is...
October 1, 2017 – A Rant, a Fatberg, and Fish From The Sky
Steve begins the show by going on a bit of a rant. From there, we do rapid fire news stories until a woman gets bitten by a snake at Longhorn. Just as ridiculous as it sounds. Foul play?