Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Latest Episodes

When Adult Kids Move Back Home – MBFLP 219
January 23, 2019

What do you do when the adult kids move out ... and then come back? It's not uncommon - the Census Bureau reports that more than one out of three Millennials (ages 18-34) are living at home with their parents. (In some states, it's nearly 50%!) -

Children in “Big Church” – MBLFP 218
January 10, 2019

  - Should children be in the main church service with the big people? We had eight children and we've tried to keep them in "big church" with us as much as possible. And we found that, with some wisdom and attention, it's not only possible,

Entrepreneurship and College – MBFLP 210
August 27, 2018

Is your son or daughter an entrepreneur at heart? Are you or they, either one, debating whether college is even worthwhile for a young person aiming at their own business?  This episode, we talk with our son Samuel Adams Young,

Middle Schoolers Online – MBFLP 209
August 22, 2018

When's the right time to get your middle schoolers online? Researcher Jean Twenge (iGen) says that people born since 1995--that's the class just starting to graduate from college, and their younger siblings--have basically grown up with round-the-clock...

Middle School Q & A – MBFLP 208
August 07, 2018

Nobody told us what to expect ... babies and toddlers we read about, and people warned us in hushed tones about the dreadful teen years, but nobody told us, "Just wait till they're in middle school!" This week on Facebook Live we took questions from pa...

Teaching Kids Self-Control – MBFLP 207
July 17, 2018

This episode we deal with a perennial problem in parenting - how in the world do we teach our kids self-control? The entertainment and collegiate culture may celebrate raw emotion and thoughtless self-expression - if it's "authentic" it's immune from c...

Doubling Down on Seventeen – MBFLP 206
July 06, 2018

We hear from a lot of parents who are struggling with their eleven-year-olds - the preteen uproar is real! But a close second is parents who are wrestling with an older teen - typically a seventeen-year-old. They don't feel the respect or obedience,

Preparing Your Teens for More – MBFLP 205
June 18, 2018

"You think this is hard - just wait till they're teenagers!" the stranger told Melanie as she pushed our four young children through the Atlanta zoo. But that's a cultural expectation, not a foregone conclusion.

Preparing Your Teens for More – MBFLP 205
June 18, 2018

"You think this is hard - just wait till they're teenagers!" the stranger told Melanie as she pushed our four young children through the Atlanta zoo. But that's a cultural expectation, not a foregone conclusion.

When DAD Is The Teacher – MBFLP 204
June 13, 2018

Surveys and studies have shown that over 90% of the time, Mom is the primary teacher in a homeschooling family. But that doesn’t account for everyone, and sometimes Dad is the teacher, not Mom. How does that change the homeschooling dynamic?