Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Latest Episodes

MBFLP – Dealing With A Dishonest Child
August 24, 2015

Kids and their imaginations! It's normal for little ones to cross over between Realityville and Lala-Land with scarcely a bump. But what if your older child is turning into a real liar? If you find you can't trust him out of your sight?

MBFLP – Family Unity
August 17, 2015

If sibling rivalry is the negative side of family relationships (see previous episode!), family unity is the positive! The Bible uses so many illustrations of family life to describe our relationship to God and to each other in the church,

MBFLP – Sibling Rivalry
August 10, 2015

If there are siblings in the house, you've got to be worried about sibling rivalry. It's not just an irritation - the Bible gives example after example where siblings and their jealousies had disastrous consequences! But as a practical matter,

MBFLP – Boys and Noise
August 03, 2015

Got boys? Then probably, you've got noise! This week we turn to a reader's question about how to manage the volume (and tone!) of her energetic houseful of boys ... four of them, eight and under. We've been there,

MBFLP – Planning For The New School Year
July 27, 2015

  - The new school year is coming ... do you have your plans together yet? Or do you shudder at the thought? This episode, we talk about the need to have a plan, but not to obsess over it. You'll find this episode both challenging and encouraging as M...

MBFLP – Homeschooling Several Ages
July 13, 2015

If you have more than one child, then chances are the decision to start homeschooling carries the question, "How can I teach more than one grade level at a time?" This episode, we talk about practical lessons we learned along the way of homeschooling s...

MBFLP – Beginning Homeschooling
July 06, 2015

News from the government and public schools has been disturbing recently, and homeschool organizations are reporting an increase in inquiries from families who are now considering moving away from the public school option.

MBFLP – Celebrating The Fourth When You’re Worried About The Country
June 29, 2015

It's been a dramatic - and troubling - week in the news. with controversies flowing from the very center of our governmental processes. We are seeing Christians in dismay, worried that our freedoms are under attack from the very people we expect to sec...

MBFLP – Movies, Media, and Teaching Some Discernment
June 08, 2015

School's out and the summer movies are releasing! The music and the special effects are amazing, the story lines are gripping -- but where are they heading? How can you find the true message woven into the cinema experience?

MBFLP – Summertime Safety – Ticks, Lyme, and All That
June 01, 2015

Continuing last episode's discussion about preparing to enjoy the summer safely, this time we'll share a surprising discovery we made last summer - and a change in attitude we've made concerning a common pest.