Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Thinking About Homeschooling – Things to Consider – MBFLP 264-2

July 05, 2021

Are you one of the thousands of families just beginning homeschooling - or thinking seriously about it this year? Surveys say that over one and a quarter million students aren't returning to public schools, and the number of homeschooling families doubled between April and October last year. This episode, we continue our conversation about our own decision to homeschool - this time, thinking about unexpected lessons we learned along the way, and things you may want to consider making your own decision!

1:25 - "Homeschooling is bigger in the inside"
2:15 - A different model than the modern classroom
3:50 - The efficiency of homeschooling - even with several grade levels
5:38 - Why "difficult" and "unpleasant" isn't "better"
7:50 - What about finding the perfect curriculum
9:43 - Why "the way it's done" in classrooms isn't helpful for homeschooling
10:55 - But can homeschooled kids make it to college?
13:20 - Watching friends who homeschooled and others in public school
14:35 - How long should you expect each day?
15:56 - The reason you begin homeschooling may not be the reason you continue homeschooling
16:30 - Homeschooling and family relationships
18:00 - Some free resources

“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up." - Deuteronomy 6:6-7 (NKJV)

Homeschooling on the Rise During COVID-19 Pandemic
Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey Shows Significant Increase in Homeschooling Rates in Fall 2020
By Casey Eggleston and Jason Fields - U.S. Census Bureau - 22 March 2021
* More Than 1 Million Students Didn't Enroll During Pandemic
Will They Come Back? 
By Eesha Pendharkar - Education Week — 17 June 2021


We'll be speaking and exhibiting at the Chattanooga Home School Expo at Camp Jordan, East Ridge, Tennessee - July 16-17, 2021 - sponsored by the Chattanooga Southeast Tennessee Home Educators Association.

This is a live event but registration is online - CLICK HERE for more information! We hope to see you there!
Getting Kids On Board with Your New Homeschool 

Things We're Glad We Did Homeschooling

Boy-Friendly Homeschooling

Emergency Homeschooling