Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Getting Kids On Board With Your New Homeschool – MBFLP 252

August 24, 2020

Are you starting homeschooling this fall? Was it always your plan, or did the pandemic make this an unexpected "best option"? Either way, are your kids on board with the decision?

Parents have the responsibility and the perspective to make this choice for their family, but sometimes the children aren't thrilled. Even if it's the best thing for them, it's always more pleasant if everyone's in accord about the plan. What can you do to help your kids understand and accept the lifestyle change you're making? How is it different for young kids, middle schoolers, and teens? This episode, we're talking about working toward harmony with your new homeschooling project!
An Avalanche of New Homeschoolers
The sudden shutdown of practically all public education in March, and the prospects of very restricted school reopening this fall, have prompted a lot of families to reconsider homeschooling as an option. How many? Several states are reporting double-digit increases in new homeschools, and when North Carolina opened its website for new homeschool filings in July, the rush crashed the site for an entire week. In June, researchers at the University of Michigan surveyed 1200 families in Michigan, Illinois, and Ohio, and found 12% already planned to keep at least one child at home this fall. Another survey of 2000 families by OnePoll found that 43% are "seriously considering the option of homeschooling" this year. Vermont had a 75% increase already!

With so many new families beginning homeschooling, a large percentage are taking children out of classroom schools. Their kids have already had some experience of school culture, developed friendships at school, and formed relationships with teachers. The change in school approach is going to be more disruptive for them than their pre-school and kindergarten-age siblings. That means you'll need to approach the idea differently with the older kids. Even elementary school kids may complain, "I haven't seen my friends in for-e-ver," -- though to be honest, that's been heard in homeschooling families, too, during the lockdown!

So it's important to acknowledge that your kids' fears, concerns, preferences, and objections do matter, even if the decision has been made already. Take the time to listen and engage them on their levels--you'll be glad you invested in the relationship. This episode, we're talking about practical ways to address some of those concerns. Not incidentally, we're also addressing some concerns you might be having as an unexpected homeschool parent, yourself--like socialization, your qualification to teach, and college prospects at the end! So join us --

Articles Dealing With This Explosive Growth

* Michael Shaw, "Homeschooling Experiences and Views During the Pandemic." EdChoice, 18 Aug 2020
* Zoya Gervis, "Parents are starting to consider homeschooling their kids for upcoming school year." New York Post, 31 July 2020
* Kao-Ping Chua, M.D., et al. "Plans for School Attendance and Support for COVID-19 Risk Mitigation Efforts," University of Michigan Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation, 26 June 2020
* Terry Stoops, Ed.D, "Pandemic produces a strong increase to NC’s massive homeschool population." The John Locke Foundation,