Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Beating Boredom This Summer – MBFLP 249

July 01, 2020

Summertime is always a challenge - with the change of routine, it's easy for our kids (or ourselves) to feel adrift. This year, with the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, even our backup program may be on hold or cancelled. What can you do to make the most of summertime with your family, when vacation may be postponed, summer camp or youth sports shut down, and even the local pool or gym is off limits? This episode, we talk about things you might consider with your kids and mate, to make the most of the enforced time together this year!

Who knew, when the schools and universities closed in March, that we'd still be home in June and July, with summer vacation upended as well? Camps and programs for missions, music, sports, and more, have been closed by the virus. Travel is still restricted. Entertainment facilities, beaches, parks, and more are shut down or curtailed. Our own son had his honeymoon reservations canceled by the hotel the week of the wedding! (Thankfully, he was able to make other arrangements!)

So many of the things we take for granted and do every summer are in jeopardy - or already gone. Last week, we spoke with a radio host about ideas for "engaging our kids" during this time. There are ways to build memories and build skills - and there are also opportunities to build (or rebuild) relationships, if we'll take the step.
A New Feature for the Program
Hal was inspired by World Radio's program "The World and Everything In It" and their listener participation in the daily news podcast. This episode, we're pleased to announce a new opportunity on our own program - our new "Listener Response Line" at (919) 295-0321. This is our voice mail where you can leave a comment, a question, or a suggestion. We'd love to hear from you!