Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Raising Them Up – a conversation with Israel Wayne – MBFLP 248

May 20, 2020

This episode, we're talking with Israel Wayne, homeschool graduate, father of ten, and author of the new book Raising Them Up: Parenting for Christians. He shares some of the difficulties of his childhood - parents who divorced early, an abusive stepfather, times of poverty and homelessness - and the incredible way that God has redeemed that experience for His glory and the help of His people! You'll enjoy this surprising and encouraging conversation with Family Renewal's Israel Wayne.
Starting Over After a Rough Start
"When I got married, I was twenty-three, my wife was twenty, and we started our marriage with a clean slate," Israel said. "I didn't bring the baggage with me. I had the opportunity to start out on the right foot, developing the kind of relationship with my wife that my parents never had, learning how to be the father that my father wasn't able to be. We now have ten children - our oldest is 20, our youngest is 16 months - five boys and five girls. And I think it's really interesting, fascinating, and ironic in a way, that God has given us this ministry called "Family Renewal.

"This may be surprising to some people because some don't know much about my back story. But I really believe in the capacity of God to reach families that are broken and families that don't feel like there's hope for them, that feel like, "Well, yeah, we're not that poster family for homeschooling or 'a Christian family.' I believe that God's grace is big enough that God can reach even you, and I believe my background leads me to have faith for those families. It's part of why I do what I do and why I wrote Raising Them Up: Parenting for Christians."

Not Available on Amazon!
Raising Them Up: Parenting for Christians is available direct from Family Renewal Ministries

CLICK HERE to order your copy! 

While We're On The Subject
During this time of widespread shutdown and isolation, a lot of authors, teachers, and publishers are struggling. Dozens of homeschool conventions have been cancelled, including some of the largest in the United States and Canada, and that has made a serious dent in the support your favorite homeschool vendors need to keep going.

When you're ordering online - and who isn't, now? - would you take a minute and consider ordering direct from the authors and publishers? You might not know that when you save a dollar on a book at the (ahem) online megastore, 75% of the income from that book goes to the website owner - not the author. In normal times that's just business reality - but while the crisis lasts, remember the creators who are pouring their heart and knowledge into your family and homeschool, and let's channel those purchases back to the homeschool vendors you depend on!


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