Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Spiritual Doubts and Your Kids – MBFLP 228

July 12, 2019

"Mom, I think I'm an atheist." That was the chilling announcement from the back of the van, from our nine-year-old child. Spiritual doubts may arise at any time, especially with young teens, and this episode we're talking about some practical things you can do to help shepherd your young person through this stormy time.






Apologetics Museums We Enjoyed
These are remarkable places to visit, but even if you can't travel there, they have great websites with lots of information and more resources to offer.

Ark Encounter - Williamstown, Ky. could find practical solutions with the existing technology of his time. It answers boatloads of objections with reasonable explanations - questions like how to house so many animals, how to handle feeding, watering, and waste removal, what to do about lighting and ventilation, and much more. Really impressive and thought-provoking. Said to be the largest freestanding wooden structure in the world!

Creation Museum - Petersburg, Ky.

We first visited the Creation Museum only a few weeks after a family trip to Washington, D.C. We were totally amazed at the professional quality of the exhibits and facility, which were much better maintained than the famous museums of the Smithsonian. Every subsequent visit we've found new exhibits and presentations. This is a first class museum, in addition to presenting an evidence-rich argument for creation of the world by an intelligent Craftsman. Ken Ham is the public spokesman, but the museum itself is the work of a huge team of geologists, biologists, archaeologists, historians, theologians, and more. Well worth a journey!

Museum of the Bible - Washington, D.C.

This collection traces the development of the written Bible from the earliest records through the ongoing translation missions of modern times. There are truly remarkable items on display - a Latin Bible signed as a gift by Martin Luther, a beautiful illuminated prayer book made for the Emperor Charles V, pages from the Gutenberg Bible, and a copy of the first Bible printed in America - in the language of the Wampanoag Indians! Exhibits talk of the influence of the Bible on civil rights and social justice, the impact on language and fine art, and more.
Apologetics Books We Recommend
More Than A Carpenter - Josh McDowell

A classic look at who Jesus was, and is, and why that matters.

Evidence That Demands a Verdict - Josh McDowell

A fantastic work that looks at hundreds of questions about Biblical reliability, with tons of references and yes, evidence. A good one to have on hand for those "Wait, what about ..." discussions.

The Case for Christ - Lee Strobel

An investigative journalist recounts his search into the Bible's claims about Jesus' life, work, and person. A dramatic and personal story of a skeptic's journey into faith.

Mere Christianity - C. S.Lewis

A conversational but philosophical look at the nature of God, man, sin, and other fundamentals of Christian faith.