Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

When Adult Kids Move Back Home – MBFLP 219

January 23, 2019

What do you do when the adult kids move out ... and then come back?
It's not uncommon - the Census Bureau reports that more than one out of three Millennials (ages 18-34) are living at home with their parents. (In some states, it's nearly 50%!)

* "A Third of Young Adults Live With Their Parents"
Jonathan Vespa, U.S. Census Bureau
* "Young adults living with their parents hits a 75-year high"
Aimee Pichi, CBS News

This is not unusual historically - when we look back in our family history a hundred years or more, we see it was common for adult children to be living with parents and sharing the work of farm, forge, and kitchen - or for newlyweds to be living with their parents or in-laws for a time, too.

But this has become more common in recent years. Why?

Young people are getting married later - age of first marriage is approaching 30 for men and 27 for women

* In 1976, 75% of men and 93% of women were married by age 30
* In 2014, it was half that - 32% of men and 46% of women
* More Millennials live with their parents than with a spouse

Student loan debt is a serious burden to many, too. The average college graduate with a bachelor's degree left school with nearly $28,500 in debt

* "Student Load Debt Statistics"
Brianna McGurran,

And this all happening in the midst of a long, sluggish recovery from the financial crises of 2008 and beyond.

So it's not surprising or rare for parents to find themselves with a twenty-something son or daughter moving back into their old bedroom.
The question is, how can we make this work for all of us?

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