Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

MBFLP 113 – Dealing With A Toxic Church

January 11, 2016



The Church is God's people gathered together, but we know even God's people have remaining sin in their lives - and sometimes, that can make a good church turn bad, or even toxic. This episode we talk with Andy and Kendra Fletcher of Homeschooling IRL about how to recognize, respond, and recover from a church which has fallen into bad doctrine, bad practice, and bad relationships!


2:28 - Sometimes toxic churches and healthy churches look the same
4:36 - Churches that lose focus on Christ and fail to minister to inquirers or immature or new believers
6:10 - Staying in a bad situation to try and reform it from the inside
8:50 - "Good" things that distract the church from its true focus
9:30 - Recognizing God's grace in believers and churches which aren't like us and ours
10:30 - "Gospel amnesia" happens
13:15 - When do you decide to leave, and how do you leave without being destructive?
18:34 - "Hope-shifting" and the idols Christians set up
23:00 - Abusive churches
26:45 - Healing takes time - expect it!