Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

MBFLP 105 – Reaching The Neighborhood Through Caroling

November 15, 2015

Even in a highly secularized world, the holidays are times when non-religious people often lower their guard against God's truth. One way we reach out to our neighbors is with the old custom of caroling from house to house. It's a great time of fellowship, too, and our friends and church-fellows look forward to this annual event! This episode we talk about the hows and wherefores of singing the Good News to your neighbors.



How we went caroling over the Internet when the rain started outside ... [CLICK HERE]

Episode 104, Preparing For Christ-Centered Holidays ... [CLICK HERE]

Christ-Centered Christmas - a unit study, cookbook, song sheet, and holiday inspiration!

(Get the companion volume, Christ-Centered Thanksgiving, FREE - CLICK HERE! )