Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

MBFLP – Sibling Rivalry

August 10, 2015

If there are siblings in the house, you've got to be worried about sibling rivalry. It's not just an irritation - the Bible gives example after example where siblings and their jealousies had disastrous consequences! But as a practical matter, how can we head off sibling rivalry at home ... or respond to it when it's already a fact? Hal and Melanie have eight children, six of them boys, and they've learned some useful ways to handle "trouble between brothers" -- join us!


"How To Fight So You Both Win" - This workshop helps you sort out what arguments are truly not worth having, and then how you can work out disagreements so that both sides leave satisfied. Downloadable mp3 - CLICK HERE.

My Beloved and My Friend by Hal and Melanie Young. We devoted a whole chapter in our marriage book to resolving conflicts in a Godly way ... and these principles work for children as well a grown-ups. Available in print, ebook, and audiobook formats. CLICK HERE.