Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Single Moms of Boys – MBFLP 144

September 26, 2016

Parenting is hard enough when everything’s perfect. It’s really hard when you have to be a single parent — however you got there — and being a single mother raising a boy is nothing to sneeze at.  Both our mothers were widows with teenagers at home, and so we’ve seen up front some of the struggles single moms go through. This episode we talk about some particular issues a mom with a boy may be facing when there’s no father in the home — whether Dad’s gone to heaven or gone to Iraq.
Resources We Recommend
Our book Raising Real Men will help you better understand your son at any age
Our new book Love, Honor, and Virtue will help you discuss Biblical sexuality from a young man’s perspective
Here’s our article about keeping your kids safe from predators
Here’s a list of our favorite character-building books for boys

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