Nonpartisan Red Pill Men’s Group

Nonpartisan Red Pill Men’s Group

Latest Episodes

The Revolutionary Canaanite Woman (Matthew 15:21-28)
May 12, 2023

The story of Jesus' defeat at the hands of a Canaanite woman.

Public Schools and the Transgender Agenda
May 05, 2023

We have a discussion of the promotion of transgender understanding in our public schools and whether it's right to teach young people things their parents disagree with.

Are Religion and Politics Separate? Part 2
April 26, 2023

Things get a little heated when leftists insist that religion has no place in politics.Upcoming Events: Is the Left Really Woke?'s Wrong with Men? And What to Do

Are Religion and Politics Separate? Part 1
April 18, 2023

When our guest cancels, Rich Procida poses his questions to the audience.

Character Disturbance and Politics with Dr. George Simon
April 10, 2023

This is part 3 of our discussion of "Recognizing Character Disturbance in Politicians and Leaders with Dr. George Simon, the author of "Character Disturbance: The Phenomenon of our Age."

Our Narcissistic Society with Dr. George Simon
March 31, 2023

Dr. George Simon and I discuss character disturbance in our culture and what we can do about it.

Character Disturbance: The Phenomenon of Our Age
March 24, 2023

Politicians are notorious for telling lies and weaving together half-true and divisive narratives in order to gain notoriety, raise money, and win elections. There are two main reasons people get into

Don’t Defund Ukraine!
March 12, 2023

I call into the Shroader Show.

America is Good, Even Though it has Done Bad Things
March 05, 2023

In this episode, Rich Procida takes questions from participants and discusses the importance of seeing both the good and the bad in America.

The Importance of Individual Rights: An Open Letter to Angela Davis
February 25, 2023

Liberalism is under attack. The Right wants to own the Libs, and the Left wants to disown them. The individual is the foundation of liberal democracy. Yet some Leftist propagandists are disseminating