Nonpartisan Red Pill Men’s Group
Latest Episodes
Is Monogamy a Goal or a Byproduct?
Is Monogamy our goal or is it the product of dating nonexclusively?The feminine imperative pounds into mens collective consciousness over the course of a lifetime that monogamy will cure loneliness, make them responsible, provide them with a constant
Dating, Relationships, and Systemic Injustice
I appear on the Love and Dating Gurus with Dr. Dan podcast.
Female Promiscuity and Male Sexlessness
Men are dying. They are killing themselves with drugs and alcohol and committing suicide at far higher rates than women. They are often the perpetrators of violence. Mass shooters are mostly young men. They are turning to authoritarianism and make up a la
Are Women More About Looks than Men?
Are women more about appearance and looks than men? It is said that men are all about looks, but men are actually much more forgiving about appearance than women are. Women may consider factors other than appearance, but when they consider appearance, the
Should Women Ask Men Out?
Cathy asks how we think a man would react to a woman asking him out.
How to Date Non-Exclusively
Here we cover the section on non-exclusivity in Rollo Tomassi's book "The Rational Male." In this part of the discussion, we talk about how to date non-exclusively and why men should date non-exclusively.
No! The Sexiest Word a Man Can Say
What is the most sexy word a man can say to a woman? We talk about this and other issues in dating and relationships.
Ethical non-Monogamy? Women Don't Respect Commitment
Relations between women and men are undergoing great change. Women are redefining relationships and the words we use to describe them. What is "ethical non-monogamy, and how is it different from dating which is often non-exclusive? A lawyer, professor, an
Dating Non-Exclusively
An introduction to plate theory, which is to date multiple people honestly but not exclusively. Is it right, wrong, or just weird?