Talkin' About [Infosec] News, Powered by Black Hills Information Security

Talkin' About [Infosec] News, Powered by Black Hills Information Security

2024-07-18 - Absolute Madmen

July 18, 2024

00:00 - PreShow Banter™ — Absolute Madmen

02:28 - BHIS - Talkin’ Bout [infosec] News 2024-07-15

03:18 - Wi-Fi Forge

07:31 - Story # 1: CISA Red Team’s Operations Against a Federal Civilian Executive Branch Organization Highlights the Necessity of Defense-in-Depth

22:39 - Story # 2: AT&T says criminals stole phone records of ‘nearly all’ customers in new data breach

33:35 - Story # 3: FTC study finds ‘dark patterns’ used by a majority of subscription apps and websites

38:48 - Story # 4: Club Penguin fans breached Disney Confluence server, stole 2.5GB of data

41:52 - Story # 5: Heritage Foundation Exec Threatens ‘Gay Furry Hackers’ in Unhinged Texts

47:51 - Story # 6: German Navy to replace aging 8-inch floppy drives with an emulated solution for its anti-submarine frigates

50:14 - Story # 7: 1.4 GB NSA Data Leaked Online – Email Address, Phone Number & Gov Classified Data Exposed

53:56 - Story # 8: Hackers Claim to Have Leaked 1.1 TB of Disney Slack Messages
