Talkin' About [Infosec] News, Powered by Black Hills Information Security

Talkin' About [Infosec] News, Powered by Black Hills Information Security

2024-06-17 - Recall Gets Recalled

June 19, 2024

00:00 - PreShow Banter™ — Hungry Hungry Hipaa

03:39 - BHIS - Talkin’ Bout [infosec] News 2024-06-17 

05:40 - Story # 1: Windows security hole allows attackers to install malware via Wi-Fi — new patch plugs gaping vulnerability

16:27 - Story # 2: Microsoft’s all-knowing Recall AI feature is being delayed

25:34 - Story # 3: Here’s how Apple’s AI model tries to keep your data private

32:27 - Story # 4: New Linux malware is controlled through emojis sent from Discord

35:28 - Story # 5: Pure Storage confirms data breach after Snowflake account hack

38:44 - Story # 6: Microsoft Chose Profit Over Security and Left U.S. Government Vulnerable to Russian Hack, Whistleblower Says