Talkin' About [Infosec] News, Powered by Black Hills Information Security

Talkin' About [Infosec] News, Powered by Black Hills Information Security

2024-05-23 - Sneaky AI Policies, Two Year Linux Backdoor and Good Ol' Fraud!

May 23, 2024

00:00 - PreShow Banter™ — Antichafing Training.

04:31 - BHIS - Talkin’ Bout [infosec] News 2024-05-20

07:12 - Story # 1: Linux maintainers were infected for 2 years by SSH-dwelling backdoor with huge reach

29:49 - Story # 2: Palo Alto Networks is buying security assets from IBM to expand customer base

36:50 - Story # 3: Charges and Seizures Brought in Fraud Scheme Aimed at Denying Revenue for Workers Associated with North Korea

43:55 - Story # 4: FCC might require telecoms to report on securing internet’s BGP technology

52:45 - Story # 5: Slack under attack over sneaky AI training policy