Talkin' About [Infosec] News, Powered by Black Hills Information Security

Talkin' About [Infosec] News, Powered by Black Hills Information Security

2024-05-16 - Hackers Target Children, FBI Surveillance and RSA Cookies?

May 16, 2024

00:00 - PreShow Banter™ — World Class RSA Cookies

04:49 - BHIS - Talkin’ Bout [infosec] News 2024-05-14

06:33 - Story # 1: Zscaler takes “test environment” offline after rumors of a breach

18:48 - Story # 2: Okta’s security chief on the company’s own cyberattack and how the ‘battleground’ has shifted

43:36 - Story # 3: Leaked FBI email stresses need for warrantless surveillance of Americans

48:46 - Story # 4: Despite big tech lobbying, Maryland passes two internet privacy bills

52:26 - Story # 4b: The Anxious Generation

53:46 - Story # 5:Hackers are now targeting the children of corporate executives in elaborate ransomware attacks