Beyond Your Money

Beyond Your Money

Latest Episodes

The Importance of Staying Organized, Part Two – with Guest Jill Yesko
January 20, 2021

Its possible to keep your memories alive while reducing clutter throughout your home getting rid of physical items doesnt mean you have to lose connection to the memories. In this episode, Mike D

The Importance of Staying Organized, Part One – with Guest Jill Yesko
December 23, 2020

Have you ever wondered what a Professional Organizer could do for you? In this episode of the Beyond Your Money Podcast, Mike Dukovich speaks with Jill Yesko, the Founder and President of Discover Or

The Financial Flow Chart
December 03, 2020

Have you ever wondered where to put your discretionary investable dollars, and in what order? In this episode of the Beyond Your Money Podcast, Mike Dukovich provides a financial flowchart that will help guide you on what to fund and when.

Active vs. Passive Investments / Trusts with Attorney Jay Hagerman
October 06, 2020

Ever wonder about trusts? There is so much conflicting information out there about trusts that it can be overwhelming. In this episode of the Beyond your Money podcast Mike Dukovich talks about an ongoing debate by discussing the pros and cons between ...

Dollar Cost Averaging and The Elements of Estate Planning
September 21, 2020

Mike discusses dollar cost averaging, and then helps navigate a critical element of a comprehensive wealth plan by reviewing the elements of estate planning. In this episode of the Beyond Your Money Podcast,

Why Mike Focuses on Helping Young Professionals and Retirees Solve Their Biggest Financial Problems
August 16, 2020

While many advisors are generalists, Mike enjoys working with specific kinds of clients.  In this episode of Beyond Your Money Podcast, Mike Dukovich talks about why he enjoys serving young professionals and retirees.

What You Should Know Before Meeting With a Financial Advisor
August 10, 2020

Coming fully prepared for the first meeting with your financial advisor makes for a more comfortable, efficient, and rewarding experience. But what should you bring to your meeting? In this episode of Beyond Your Money,

The 2 Most Common Questions Advisors are Asked
July 16, 2020

As a client, do you feel it is important to know how your advisor is getting paid? Do you wonder what goes into building portfolios, and how advisors review those investments?  In this episode of the Beyond Your Money Podcast,

What is Comprehensive Wealth Management?
June 23, 2020

In the financial world, there are countless names for advisors, and each means something a little bit different from the next. What sets each apart from the other? How is  comprehensive wealth management different from the services a typical financial ...

11 Tips for Handling Market Volatility
June 23, 2020

We’re always going to have periods of market volatility. Having a plan in place can help prevent emotions from dictating your decisions.  In this episode, Mike Dukovich tackles the topic of market volatility.