Beyond the To-Do List - Productivity for Work & Life

Beyond the To-Do List - Productivity for Work & Life

Latest Episodes

Side Hustle: Anna Sabino on Passion, Creativity and Business – BTTDL223
May 14, 2018

Anna Sabino talks about how creatives can build a business that reflects their talent and true calling.

Mindfulness: Robert Plotkin on the Benefits and Distractions of Technology for Productivity – BTTDL222
May 11, 2018

Robert Plotkin discusses using mindfulness to be more focused and less distracted by technology, and how to use technology instead of being used by it.

Time: Laura Vanderkam on Perspective and Stewardship of Time – BTTDL221
April 30, 2018

Laura Vanderkam talks about feeling less busy and getting more done with the findings of her new book: Off the Clock: Feel Less Busy While Getting More Done. The book explores, through more than 900 time diaries collected on a single March day,

Mike Vardy on Frameworks, Themes and Modes – BTTDL220
April 23, 2018

Mike Vardy talks about how to stay productive when you get sick, having frameworks to support changes as they come, theming days, and working in modes. 

Connections: Scott Gerber on Networking vs. Connecting in Business Relationships – BTTDL219
April 16, 2018

Scott Berber on abandoning the networking-for-networking's-sake mentality in favor of a more powerful and effective approach to creating and enhancing connections.

Roadblocks: Lauren Zander on Excuses, Self-Sabotage and Facing the Truth – BTTDL218
April 09, 2018

Lauren Zander talk about identifying excuses, facing the truth and defeating self-sabotage. 

Creativity: Phil Rosenthal on Family, Food and Fun – BTTDL217
April 02, 2018

Phil Rosenthal, creator of Everybody Loves Raymond, talks about drawing creative ideas from your own life and traveling and food to get out of your comfort zone.

Meetings: Mamie Kanfer Stewart on Making Meetings More Effective, Engaging and Enjoyable – BTDL216
March 19, 2018

Mamie Kanfer Stewart from Meeteor talks about making meetings more effective, engaging and enjoyable.

Calm: Jess Ostroff on Relegating, Automating and Delegating with Virtual Assistants – BTTDL215
March 12, 2018

Jess Ostroff, Director of Calm at Don't Panic Management, talks about having a healthy relationship with your virtual assistants, how to choose the right person, and when to know the time is right to hire one.

Efficiency: Allison Schaaf on Efficiency, Preperation and Balance – BTTDL214
March 05, 2018

Alison Schaaf of Prep Dish talks more about kitchen hacks and applying batch processing to other aspects of her business.