Beyond the To-Do List - Productivity for Work & Life

Beyond the To-Do List - Productivity for Work & Life

Meetings: Mamie Kanfer Stewart on Making Meetings More Effective, Engaging and Enjoyable – BTDL216

March 19, 2018

Mamie Kanfer Stewart founded Meeteor, a global venture providing meeting management solutions. Through consulting and technology, Meeteor enables teams and organizations to develop a healthy and productive meeting culture.
In this episode Made talks about how to the your meetings where they have been to where they could be: a huge collaborative tool towards greater goals.
Mentioned in this episode:

* Care/Of – Get 25% off your first month! Use promo code ‘Beyond'
* Momentum: Creating Effective, Engaging and Enjoyable Meetings
* Successful Meetings Start with Why
* The One Thing You Should Do Before Any Meeting- Defining The Desired Outcome
* What Your Meetings Say About Your Organizational Culture
* Advance Your Meeting Conversation with Norms
