KOHR Performance Podcast - Iain Highfield & Andrew Losey

KOHR Performance Podcast - Iain Highfield & Andrew Losey

The Power of Play

March 25, 2021

What is the ultimate goal in life? Many would perhaps answer this question with the word ‘happiness’. And perhaps one of the simple pleasures in life that creates happiness is ‘PLAY’.

But according to the guests on this podcast ‘play’ can be so much more.

Richard Franklin, founder of Discover Golf & Gavin Parker, PGA professional and expert in junior development share their knowledge, passion and experiences placing ‘play’ at the core of their business, their coaching and their values.

If you are a coach, a parent, an educator or just someone who loves to learn and spread positive energy, this podcast is gold dust.

Creating an environment driven by play is powerful and something we could all benefit from amidst the chaos of the modern world.

Happiness is loading………