Beyond Profit Podcast

Beyond Profit Podcast

Separating Fact from Fiction about Purposeful Brands

November 21, 2023

Defining a brand’s purpose, and acting on it successfully, isn’t easy. But done right, it can transform a business, from boosting innovation and employee engagement to driving brand loyalty and growth. Purpose can also help crystalize and advance sustainability strategy and ESG programs, while giving a business the license to engage on social issues.

In the new book Purposeful Brands: How purpose and sustainability drive brand value and positive change, author Sandy Skees maintains that purpose is a vision for protecting, nurturing, or restoring the commons. In fact, as she writes, “When you think about the sheer scale of all the dimensions of a corporation, and how they can be deployed toward preserving the planet and society alongside delivering business value, then you clearly understand purpose.”

But how do you reach that level of deep understanding? How do you avoid the common misperceptions about purpose? In this episode of Beyond Profit, a podcast of the ANA Center for Brand Purpose, Sandy Skees addressed these critical questions and others with host Ken Beaulieu. In addition to being an author, speaker, and strategic advisor, Sandy is the EVP of purpose and impact global lead at Porter Novelli, a global purpose communications consultancy.