Bariatric Surgery Success

Bariatric Surgery Success

#113 Beyond the Scale: Wayne Shares his Victories with Bariatric Surgery

September 07, 2022

#113 Beyond the Scale: Wayne Shares his victories with Bariatric Surgery 

What was your relationship with the scale before you had bariatric surgery? Has it changed since surgery or does it still make you feel anxious? Wayne, a member of my private Facebook group, steps up to openly share his story with the scale and his victories after surgery. You don’t want to miss it.

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Guest Wayne Davis: YouTube Channel

Joining me today from Tuscaloosa, Alabama is Wayne Davis who is a pastor and a homeschool Dad. I met Wayne thru our private FaceBook group. When I asked Wayne how he felt about sharing his weight loss journey on the podcast, he said “Absolutely! I would love to tell my story. I struggled with telling people at first but the more I thought about it, I decided to be open and honest. It's the only way to help people.” 

Questions I ask Wayne and you don't want to miss his responses:

  1. Would you briefly share your story, especially what circumstances led you to consider surgery as an option?
  2. What concerns did you have about undergoing weight loss surgery?
  3. During the time that you were getting ready for surgery, what was the most difficult? And what helped you?
  4. What about after surgery? What were some of the toughest moments or issues you face?
  5. And now, the dreaded scale. What has been your relationship with the scale during this entire process? 
  6. What is the disconnect between what you see in the mirror and what you know from scale and clothes? Is that changing as you grow into your new body?
  7. Your position as a pastor makes you up front and center with your congregation and the community. Plus, as a homeschool Dad, your children have seen your transformation. What has been the feedback from both your congregation and kids?
  8. It’s been nearly a year since surgery. Where are you today? Tell us about your biggest wins…your many non-scale victories. What routines have you developed that work for you?
  9. What challenges do you still face that you want to conquer? 
  10. As you look back on your surgery and the success you’ve had, what is the number one thought you want to leave us with?